Monday, January 10, 2011


I decided to put Dylan in bed with me tonight. Funny...Mike and I never allowed the kids to sleep with us. Our bed was always our sanctuary. I worry about my Mr. Pure of Heart, and I'm not sure if I put him in my bed for me or for him. We were laying in bed and he began to cry. I asked him if he wanted to talk about it. He said he was worried about Daddy (BLESS HIS HEART). We talked about heaven and that there was no need to worry about Daddy, because in heaven Daddy is happy and healthy. We cried together and then he asked me to pray. What? The anti-pray(er)? LOL He fights us every time we pray. We prayed. More crying. He's finally fallen asleep. Now of only I could do the same.

Dylan's questions and concerns are only the beginning. I will be explaining the untimely death of my children's father to them for the rest of my life, won't I?