Friday, January 21, 2011

Order of Service

I just finished my meeting with Pastor Jeff (Barbour). We went over the order of the service. I am super excited that Pastor Jeff (Crandall) will be singing, and I have to get with him to pick 2 songs. I can't believe this is my life now.'s surreal. We decided that the kids and I will come in the back and go to the green room. This will keep us from being bombarded from the people attending. I even get a VIP list. Snazzy, right? We will exit the same way we came in, to avoid the same bombardment and to ensure we make it to the reception.

My homework for the weekend is getting the questionnaire done, as well as working on the program for Hubby's service.

Now I am off to Henderson for the weekend. Brian and Alicia invited us. :)