Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Reading Thing 2008

I am new to Blogger, having only been here a week, and saw this challenge! AWESOME, I thought! Katrina, over at Callapidder Days is hosting Spring Read Thing 2008. I have a list of books I've been wanting to delve into. The idea is to join the challenge, make a list of books you want to read, write a post about it, and get reading. My goal of reading is primarily to better oneself. After the last couple of years I've had, I NEED to focus on my faith again, I need to better myself, so that I can be the wife my husband deserves, the mama my 3 beautiful children are proud of, and a friend anyone can turn to. Having said all of this, here is my list:

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle
Sacred Marriage by Gary L. Thomas
Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Purpose Drive Life by Rick Warren
The Busy Mom's Devotional by Lisa T. Bergren
You: On a Diet by Mehmet C. Oz and Michael F. Roizen
Night by Elie Wisel
Losing It: And Gaining My Life Back One Pound at a Time by Valerie Bertinelli
sTORI TELLING by Tori Spelling.

I'll be lucky if I get half of these books done, after all, I'm a mama of 3, including a 4 1/2 month old, but I'm going to try my hardest! Wish me luck!