Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Go Diego Go!

Check out more Wordless Wednesday over at 5 Minutes for Mom.

Works for me Wednesday

This is my first Works for me Wednesday post. I have been reading Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer for months, I just couldn't come up with a little something that works for me. That was until yesterday. As the summer season comes to an end, I have found myself back in the garage, pulling out my totes that store my boy's clothes from last Fall/Winter. I do the whole size check, and they NEVER wear anything twice, come on, they're boys! I weed out the clothes in piles, throw away, donate, and ebay. Yes, I said ebay! I belong to ebay anonymous. What works for me is taking the REALLY good clothes, like Gymboree or The Children's Place or Disney, you know the ones that we go to church in or out on the town, and listing them on ebay. I then take that money to replace the boy's clothes. I keep saying boys, however this year I have a darling daughter, who was born in the fall, that I get to sell some SUPER cute stuff! This also works for me during Halloween time. Halloween is a HUGE deal in this household. I take last years costumes, sell them on ebay, and use that money to replace with this years costume. Works for me.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Who said she could?

I don't remember giving her permission to grow up, do you? Saturday we put her down for a nap just like any other day, but when Hubby peeked in to see if she was asleep, there she was...STANDING! He came out and grabbed the camera, because I have trained him well, and me and off we went to see our baby girl standing in her crib. :'(

Thursday, August 21, 2008

She survives...

yet another attempt on her life. Growing up with 2 big brothers must be a nightmare. Of course she didn't see anything wrong with her brother sneaking her some corn and a chicken nugget. If she hadn't made the gag cough sound, Mama would have be none the wiser. I was aghast at the sight of my beautiful baby daughter, sitting next to Trouble's chair, holding a chicken nugget to her mouth. I felt like a cartoon character as I shook my head, hitting it on the side, making sure my eyes were seeing exactly that image. It was after I yanked said brother from his chair taking him to his room, screaming in a way I don't believe he's ever heard me scream before, and coming back to clean up the mess that I noticed the corn on the floor. I guess he figured if he was boycotting dinner might as well feed his sister the floor. I can't wait to see what she puts these boys through in the coming years. I think they owe her BIG time! If I hadn't been so awe struck at the sight, I would have grabbed my camera for a quick picture. No, seriously, I would have.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Peyton's 1st trip to the beach.

Check out more Wordless Wednesday over at 5 Minutes for Mom.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer 2008

I haven't been on here much this summer, or haven't you noticed? Well, first of all, I have been fighting with my computer. I am in need of an upgrade. We have had ours long enough. I want a laptop and I just have to figure out how to make it happen.

Other than that, I have been busy playing, organizing, and spending quality time with me loosing weight. Summer seemed to end so quickly for us this year. Hubby worked summer school, which means he only had 12 days home with us before back to the grind. In those 12 days we hit the beach, twice, and, FINALLY, bought annual passes to my favorite place in the world, Disneyland! Prior to that my time was spent with all 3 of my children at home, chaos, mayhem, running amok. Okay, well, Peyton can't run, but she can scoot all over the place. As for Boo-Boo reports, well, she dislocated her arm, TWICE in 24 hours. They call it a nurse maid's elbow. That pretty much sucked. Dylan got a sunburn, never mind the child had sunblock on, on his nose the first time we went to the beach, he still has a little pink discoloration and I pray it won't scar. Cameron seemed to fair okay this summer, nothing out of the ordinary to report there. Well, except that, unbeknownest to us, his school decided to extend the day by 1 1/2 hours. It's a grant and several classes are doing this, one of which is his. This means I am up at 6:15 rather than 7:30 every morning, plus I get to hear the joyous cries of mutiny from Dylan and Peyton. Our schedule has been uprooted and there is no turning back. This time next month we should be old pro's at it. I HOPE!

As far as the house goes, WOO-HOO! Some much needed organization has taken place. The laundry room is done. The hall cupboard is done. The bathroom's are done. The playroom is next and Dylan will be graduating into a big boy room pretty soon. Don't get me wrong, there are still things that need to get done around the house, but it's so much nicer knowing just those few things have been accomplished and my daily chores run much more smoothly.

It's terrible, I haven't read one thing this summer. Scratch that, I have read Eric Carle & Dr. Seuss, does that count? I understand now why Katrina only does Spring and Fall Reading. There is just too much going on. However, Hubby FINALLY picked up Sacred Marriage and has begun reading it. I pray he gets as much out of it as I did.

As for quality time with myself. FANTASTIC! I have continued my water aerobics three times a week. I have refused to get on a scale, but I can tell you I have to buy bathing suit #3 because of the inches I have lost. They have extended our class until the end of November. A gigantic (47,000 square foot) gym is being built in our area with indoor pool, but it isn't set to open until mid 2009. By then I think I'll be ready. My goal? This is the last year Mama will be fat in our Christmas picture! It's my mantra right now.

I look forward to seeing ya'll more often. God Bless.