Thursday, August 21, 2008

She survives...

yet another attempt on her life. Growing up with 2 big brothers must be a nightmare. Of course she didn't see anything wrong with her brother sneaking her some corn and a chicken nugget. If she hadn't made the gag cough sound, Mama would have be none the wiser. I was aghast at the sight of my beautiful baby daughter, sitting next to Trouble's chair, holding a chicken nugget to her mouth. I felt like a cartoon character as I shook my head, hitting it on the side, making sure my eyes were seeing exactly that image. It was after I yanked said brother from his chair taking him to his room, screaming in a way I don't believe he's ever heard me scream before, and coming back to clean up the mess that I noticed the corn on the floor. I guess he figured if he was boycotting dinner might as well feed his sister the floor. I can't wait to see what she puts these boys through in the coming years. I think they owe her BIG time! If I hadn't been so awe struck at the sight, I would have grabbed my camera for a quick picture. No, seriously, I would have.


Summer said...

I also have two boys and a little princess and we've certainly had instances like these.

It's a wonder younger siblings ever survive!