Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...March 9th

Outside my window...bone chilling gusts of wind.

I am thinking...about doing a fridge and pantry dump.

I am thankful for...my decision to participate in Lent.

I am wearing...sweats and a t-shirt.

I am remembering...today my wonderful Grandma turns 81!

I am creating...a new family schedule, per Hubby's request.

I am going...nowhere.

I am reading...my new NIV Mom's Devotional Bible.

I am hoping PRAYING...Hubby doesn't get pink slipped (or bumped) and keeps his job next year.

On my mind...Jake & Bella's surgeries and health.

Noticing that...there is a layer of dust on the TV stand.

Pondering these words...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation...2 Corinthians 5:17

From the kitchen...Chicken and Dumplings (I switched up my menu plan last night).

Around the house...Cameron and I are watching (yesterday's) Dr. Oz and Peyton is watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

One of my favorite things...Cameron's voracious appetite for reading.

A few plans for the rest of the week: considering going to LA for the Biggest Loser's Casting Call Sunday.

From my picture journal...the kids and their dogs.


Kristi said...

You have some beautiful boys! I hope your day is a wonderful one!

Charmed by Gorjuss said...

All 5 of them are growing way too fast!