Monday, March 15, 2010

New Lock (Project 365/2010)

I. Am. Scared. To. Death.

I've locked up the pantry. I've locked up the fridge. Now I'm locking up my bedroom. Last night, before bed, I was doing my nighttime routine (NetiPot, floss, brush, etc) when I noticed the brand new (Children's) Motrin bottle on my counter...EMPTY! The seal was still on, only enough of it was gone to open the cap, otherwise, it looked just as if I had taken it out of the box. I asked Hubby if he had given any to the kids. No. I caught Cameron in our room earlier in the day (Sunday) and told him, AGAIN, that he is NOT allowed in our room unsupervised (an issue we've been having recently). After finding the Motrin, I took an assessment of other medicines and found the children's Benadryl gone, a bottle of children's cough syrup (and NOT the diabetic kind) empty, as well as half a bottle of Excedrin Migraine missing. Did you hear that? ADULT STRENGTH Excedrin Migraine! My head was swimming.

Cameron is self medicating? Dumbfounded. Around the time I caught Cameron in our room, Hubby discovered PEYTON's toddler snacks missing. We had not kept her food in the pantry, but changed that last night. As if this wasn't enough, this morning I found one of my (3) brand new packs of gum opened and 6 sticks missing! I had just bought these, because I mistakenly thought I had misplaced the brand new pack I bought LAST week. Hubby doesn't chew it, and I only chew it at church Sunday mornings to avoid snacking at the Island. I am in utter shock at the levels Cameron is reaching and ... my heart is breaking. So today, I put a keyed entry lock on our bedroom door. It's like Fort Knox in the Johnson household. Hubby and I carry keys with us at all times. Freaking RIDICULOUS! I bawled my eyes out during nap time. Who is this kid? Is this ALL diabetes related? And if he's this way at 10 years old...what will he be like at 13? 15? 17? Will I see my firstborn graduate high school? Or will he have killed himself by then? I honestly don't know. I. Honestly. Don't. Know.

I'm considering buying this as a double protection against this happening again.