Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I want a glee wedding! Alright, so it's a little late for that, but seriously, can I just say how absolutely thrilled I am for Burt and Carol? I realize you all must think I'm a little overzealous with my love for this show and that I write about it as if they were real. What you don't understand is that for an hour every week I get to lose myself, sit back and enjoy an awesome ride with kick ass tunes. Would you prefer I write about CSI and tell you all the things they are doing wrong? (My first degree is in Criminal Justice with Forensic Science as a major) I didn't think so.

Kurt giving Burt and Finn a dancing lesson was terribly cute. I can't wait to see the dynamic of this new family. Burt going after Karofsky is just one of the many reasons I adore Mike O'Malley and his character. Burt and Kurt's father/son relationship is what true television magic is made of. The New Directions singing Marry You as they walk down the aisle was phenomenal. I had the biggest grin on my face the entire number. Burt and Carol's heartfelt speeches had me reaching for more than one tissue. I actually stood up and applauded when they kissed.

I sure hope Finn gets over his image/ego and truly embraces everything Kurt is attempting to teach him. Life is already hard enough, and believe me, these 2 know it. Furt having each other's back is what family is all about. Let me just state, Finn serenading Kurt with Bruno Mars Just the Way You Are was the cherry on top of this delicious episode. I ask you, how freakin' adorable is Chris Colfer?!?!

Carol Burnett is a legend and her duet of Ohio with Sue Sylvester's was outstanding. Dammit I miss the Carol Burnett show. I think I'll jump on Amazon and hook myself up.

I want Karofsky to get a taste of his own medicine. GAH! As devastated as I am that Kurt is leaving McKinley and the New Directions, I get a little giddy about what this means for him and Blaine. More Dalton Warblers and their incredible a cappella melodies please.

One last thing...allow me a moment to {{{SQUEE}}} at the inside of Kurt's locker with a beautiful picture of Darren Criss Blaine and the cutout letters spelling out courage.