Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rough Day (Project 365/2010)

The day started out OKAY. Peyton has been trying to come down with something, but she was ready to go to church. Her biggest dilemma was picking which purse to bring. When I picked her up from the nursery I was appalled. I know, right? Well, it kind of transferred over from last night. When I picked her up last night we went out to eat afterwards. Peyton needed a butt change and she had no diapers in her diaper bag. I know for a fact that there were 2 in there when I dropped her off. Poor thing had to sit in her diaper until we came home. When we got home she was wearing a foreign diaper, meaning NOT one of hers. She wears Luvs because she doesn't break out from it, and this diaper was NOT Luvs.

Enough of the back story, so I pick her up this morning and she walks out the door with something on the top of her wrist. I asked her teacher what happened and she said, "Where?" Are you kidding me? She was just coloring and pasting and there are 3 of you in this classroom, NONE of you noticed her wrist? "OH, well, she did take a tumble during outside play." I asked Peyton, "Where do you hurt?" She said her knees. Her knees were atrocious! NOBODY cleaned her up, wiped the dirt off ... NOTHING! She is a LITERAL mess with cuts and scrapes and these are pretty significant, not superficial, requiring peroxide and neosporin. I am super disappointed today.

Peyton kept babying her wrist/arm, and you know what I thought...OH GREAT, now she has nurse maids elbow on the other side. Fortunately, after an UC visit, her arm was not dislocated or broken. Whew!