Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What's on Your Nightstand ~ April

What's On Your NightstandI am so ashamed of this last month's reading. After about 150 pages or so of reading Wicked, I returned it to the library. It was not my cup of tea and I just ... could not get into it. I won an auction on ebay for a compilation book of Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat and The Queen of the Damned, to start my Spring Reading Thing 2009, but the book never arrived. The ebay seller never contacted me, I reported it, won, and my money was deposited back into my paypal account. I have reordered another one. Alas, it hadn't arrived, so I began reading Anne Rice's erotic Sleeping Beauty series and finished The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty yesterday and immediately started Beauty's Punishment. I'm not ashamed to say, boyohboy, I have enjoyed these books...maybe more than I should.