Friday, January 15, 2010

PrayerWalk (Project 365/2010)

I have been reading a book, well, I'm reading SEVERAL books, but I'm only going to blog about one today. I found this little gem on and have enjoyed it from the very first page. Several years ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I was shocked. I thought I was too young to have high blood pressure. In hindsight, I now understand, and it wasn't just weight related. Although, being put on medication completely stunk, and it did give me the kick in the butt I needed. I began walking, to the corner and back. Each day I walked a little further, a little longer. iPods weren't out then, and I didn't own a walkman (CD). What's a girl to do? I prayed. The entire time I walked, I talked to God. I talked to Him about my life, my hopes, my fears, or things on the news (I recall this like yesterday, because for days I prayed for the safe return of Laci Peterson). I'm so mad at myself for stopping (life got in the way). I was walking, daily, 2.4 miles, dropped 40+ pounds, and was on 5 less mg daily dose of medication.

PrayerWalk has opened my heart and soul back up to that part of my life. I can't wait to get out and walk and talk to God everyday, the way I use to. I have so much to say. This book has helped jump start one of my resolutions (remember I said there was a purpose for not divulging all at once). 2010 is about enhancing my prayer life. (Side note: Imagine my GLEE when our church's first series this year was Prayer.) Now...if only the weather would cooperate with my desire, the need to walk and talk to God.