Friday, January 8, 2010

Fit Mommy Friday

OH NO! I came across this meme today and have decided to jump on the band wagon. My New Year resolutions NEVER begin before the kids (and Hubby) go back to school from Christmas break (this year, January 11th starts my New Year). This means Monday, I begin the kick off to a brand new me! Woo-Hoo! I pray this weekly meme will keep me accountable for my weekly goals.

Every Friday we'll meet up over at Denise's blog, Got Chai, and report our success, or failures, of goals we set for the week. As many of you know, I already have a few Monday meme's going on, and so as not to overcrowd the beginning of my week with blogging, I will post my week in review and set forth my goals for the following week every Friday. :)

Although I'll be starting out at The Beginner Level, my first mini-goal is to leave the Beginner Level by the beginning of March and kick it into gear at The Intermediate Level. Secondly, I will walk, no less then 30 minutes a day, at least 5 times this week. Lastly, I will make time to cook and eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every morning.

For those of you interested in Fit Mommy Friday, check out Denise's original post about the program at Fit Mommy Meme.

Catch up with you next week! :)