Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What's on Your Nightstand ~ January

What's On Your NightstandMy nightstand is chalked full of books this month. I am currently reading, and loving, the Christ the Lord books by Anne Rice. A friend, who I got addicted to the Twilight Saga, loaned me Season of the Witch, and that big black book, believe it or not, is my Bible. What's on Your nightstand?


Anonymous said...

I can't think of a better book than the Bible to have on your nightstand!

I have avoided the Twilight books until now, but I have a friend who talked me into them. I am on the library waiting list for Twilight!

Nise' said...

I've wondered about Anne Rice's Christ The Lord books. Looking forward to hearing what you thought.

Robin M said...

The bible is a good one to have. Great selection of books. Have fun reading.

Anonymous said...

Yes, great selection. I have yet to read any of the Twilight books, believe it or not!


ibeeeg said...

Christ The Lord intrigues me. I have been wondering about this book. I would be interested to know what you thought once you are done.

Mimi N said...

What a neat and tidy nightstand! Mine is overflowing with book envelopes so I can keep track of where they came from and when I have to read them for reviews! ;P Am not reading the Twilight series after the Christian reviews I've read. Also have a check in my spirit about them as well. On top of that, I'm not reading outside of reviews right now...just not humanly possible for me. :)

Mimi B

Joyful Days said...

I got started on the Anne Rice book and set it aside because I got too busy at Christmas--I need to check it out of the library again. I flew through the Twilight books.

Great stack of books!


Lindsay said...

I am reading the Twilight Saga now.. How do you like the new series?

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading your thoughts on Anne Rice's book.