Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday Thirteen

Guess what? I found a Thursday meme. A year ago I didn't even know what a meme was. That is why I chose my first Thursday 13 about blogging.

1. I wrote my first blog on August 4, 2006.

2. I started blogging to put my feelings down, still reeling from the death of my 35 month old niece.

3. It was on myspace. The reason I became a member was the ability to view the page set up celebrating my niece's life.

4. It was extremely cathartic.

5. It didn't help as much after my cousin was murdered in January 2008.

6. My Uncle died suddenly a month after that, and if you're keeping count that is all 3 gone in 19 months, and my emotions were on overload.

7. I deleted my myspace, saving my blogs to my computer, 73 pages in Word, in March 2008.

8. I found Blogger and started blogging here a week later, starting out slow.

9. It was so new, I didn't know how to run it and I wasn't sure that I wanted to blog about my heartache, or what I wanted to blog about, besides my kids.

10. In November that changed when my oldest was diagnosed with Type I.

11. I've decided it's no holds barred from here on out and I'm even going to repost some of my old blogs from myspace.

12. I have met some wonderful fellow bloggers, been a part of some great challenges and carnivals, and have loved my time here more than I can say.

13. I am in need of an Extreme Blog Makeover! My makeover will be funded by ebay. ;) I've got 2 different titles in mind, each with their own theme ideas. Now I have to browse designers and get more bang for my buck.

Check out more Thursday 13 at Happy to be at Home.


The Happy Housewife said...

Welcome to Thursday 13! I have a Peyton too! She is almost 5! The picture of her in the sidebar is adorable!

fivejs said...

Blogging is sure a great way to release pent up emotion and to get encouragement from other like minded folks. I hope you continue to be encouraged by your readers.

Joy @ Five J's

Kate said...

I love hearing all the wonderful ways blogging has become an outlet for people. Thank you for sharing your heart. I hope you continue to find much joy in the catharsis that is blogging!