Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. Kurt setting up Burt and Carol for the wrong reasons backfired. He was not prepared to share his Dad with another son. What a hard lesson to learn. Kurt dressing like Burt, keeping his voice in a lower range, singing John Mellencamp, and making out with Brittany was excruciating to watch. Let's just say that it was worth it when he belted out Rose's Turn. Times like that remind me to tell my Grandma what an awesome childhood I had. I grew up with Natalie Wood in Gypsy and tonight I was giddily clapping the entire scene Kurt sang. I even rewound it once three times. "Everything's coming up Kurt!" I swear to you the powers that be (::cough:: Ryan Murphy ::cough::) better give Kurt a spin-off or something rather than making him leave when he graduates. And just in case I need to say it again, I adore Burt and Kurt's relationship! Mike O'Malley ROCKS!

Finn letting lose with Rick Springfield's 80's hit Jessie's Girl was also a huge highlight for me tonight. Dare I say it, another glee rendition I prefer over the original. What is happening to me?!?! But when Finn stood up to Rachel when she was melodramatic about how she is her voice and taking her to meet Sean...finally a side of Finn worthy of Rachel.

Mercedes telling Puck that she started dating him because he has great arms made me smile. I completely understand girl. Arms, they're my kryptonite too.