Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day (Project 365/2010)

I had the most wonderful Mother's Day today. We got up this morning and went to church, where our video monitor's had the funniest little Mama antidotes playing.

After church, we went out to lunch. I had chosen Chinese, I have been craving it for months now, but the kiddos don't eat it. After our Cinco de Mayo hit (they ate the glorious Mexican food), I told Hubby, let's go over to Chinese and hit their too good to be true lunch specials. When we get there, not a car in the parking lot, and I, of course, think, OH CRAP! We pull up to a sign in their window stating, NO SPECIALS TODAY. Disappointed. Hubby says, "You know where we haven't eaten in a long time?" I then say, "Hey! Let's go to Steer 'n Stein." I am so VERY happy I thought of it. We ate GLORIOUSLY delicious food. However, in this day in age where portion control is a necessity, Steer 'n Stein has SUPER SIZED all their meals. Cameron used up his entire carb allotment for lunch and dinner in one sitting. UGH! After lunch we decided to meet up with Angelique and the kiddos at our favorite park. Peyton decided to take a little siesta during the drive there.

Dylan and Annie on the teeter totter.

Cameron's hit to Jeremy's pitch.

Jeremy then pitched to Dylan, while Annie looked on.

Angelique and I laughed and laughed watching Dylan trying to hit the ball.

And because I am the mother of a Type 1 Diabetic, no outing would be complete without Cameron going low (first 50 and then only up to 55 after his second juice), so home we went.

Where I opened up a very special, handmade, present from Dylan.

Cameron made a paperbag scrapbook and even journaled about what makes me a great Mama.

Finally, Hubby shocked me to my core, by getting me the nook! Woo-Hoo!