Saturday, November 15, 2008


Have I told you how much I love Dylan? He is nothing like his "Loody" at this age. Dylan talks circles around "Loody" (a.k.a. Cameron) at this age. While preparing for Peyton's birthday, Dylan was running down the list of attendees. When he got to Grandma (my Grandma, his Great Grandma, but we don't differentiate between the two), he asked, "What about walking stick Grandma?" My brows furrowed and I looked at him sideways, clearly I didn't understand the question. "What Dylan?" He looked at me, frustrated, "What about walking stick Grandma?" he reiterated. It dawned on me, he meant Grandma, only she has had to use a cane the last few years. I laughed, hugged him, and told him of course she was coming. Now he refers to her as "walking stick Grandma" and we can't help but giggle. We think he's "Tu-Pendous!"