Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What's on Your Nightstand ~ April

What's On Your NightstandI have just got to get in gear. I have a SHELF full of books waiting to be read. If only the sickness would end! It seems like once we get everyone better, the cycle starts all over again. Couple that with a TON of Doctor appointments this month, and well, not a lot of reading going on. I have to finish Dear John before I lose my mind. It has been on my nightstand for a long time. I guess I'll be picking it up a notch on the Type 1 Diabetes reading, as Cameron will be making the change to the insulin pump before I know it.


Unknown said...

I hope everyone is feels better quickly! Our 2009 was like that, and I didn't get nearly as much read. Hope you are able to enjoy your pile soon!

Upstatemamma said...

I just read a Nicholas Sparks book as well. I usually like him.

Amy said...

Crazy Love is a great book! Hope you enjoy it and get Dear John finished soon!

Amy @ Things and Stuff