Monday, April 12, 2010

Electronic Junkie (Project 365/2010)

Hubby calls me an electronics junkie. I always want to upgrade, the new and improved, the top of the line, and he never complains. Why? Because I use the heck out of each and every one of my electronics. My Canon Powershot SD950IS is an extension of my right hand (while my iPhone is an extension of my left--he he he). I remember when I told him I wanted one of the first DVD camcorders, and he said, "Okay." And when said camera had to be replaced, it ended up full of sand and ocean water, 2 summers ago, he said, "Okay." It wasn't the first time we had a beach accident with a camera, because the year before, my brand new camera got sand in it, and had to be returned to clean it out. When I approached him about the Canon Powershot D10, he was hesitant. "Why do we need another camera?" Well, because it's waterproof, cold resistant, and shock proof (our camera went back into shop after it's shocking ride on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad last May). This camera is all the things we need a vacation camera to be. He promptly said, "Okay." I can't wait to bust this bad boy out and play with it.