Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Honeymoon is Over

The doctor declares that "The Honeymoon Period" is over. Our second endocrinologist appointment was not as warm and fuzzy as our first. I am happy to announce that Cameron has gained his weight back, and now weighs in at a 79.8 pounds. You can't see this, but I'm doing the Chandler dance! He's also 4'7.

In other news, Cameron's A1C was 9.8. OUCH! The doctor says, "His diabetes is out of control." I look at Cameron with a stern look. My son, independent, intelligent, insanely handsome, rebellious son ... quit keeping a log book of numbers six weeks ago. I had no information to call the doctor with when his numbers started to climb.

Now for my fault...I got lenient. He would call from school and they were having a treat, and I would say okay. NO MORE OF THAT! I don't care how badly I feel about him not being able to participate. I pray his 5th grade teacher is a little more receptive and understanding and takes into consideration the diabetic child in her classroom, because Lord knows, the crack pot he's had this year ... IF I HEAR ONE MORE DAMN TIME THAT HER F@&*ING DOG HAS DIABETES!

We move forward from this. Cameron's Lantus has been adjusted to 8 units. His carb ratio for breakfast is now 1:20 with lunch and dinner at 1:18. We go back at the end of August, beginning of September. Right around the time he turns 10. Yes, I said 10!