Monday, March 30, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...March 30th

Outside my window...a breezy day, where is Spring?

I am thinking...there is so much to do and so little time to do it in.

I am thankful ...everyone is on the mend.

From the kitchen...spaghetti made from leftover frozen sauce.

I am sweats w/ a black T-shirt that reads, "Team Edward".

I am creating...nothing of importance.

I am going...nowhere.

I am reading...nothing! I've given up on Wicked and am taking it back to the Library!

I am least half of my Spring Cleaning list gets done before Spring Break is over.

I am hearing...Little Bill on the TV.

Around the house...Dylan is playing in his room, Peyton is watching Little Bill, and Cameron is watching Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix.

One of my favorite things...Dylan peeing in the big potty for the first time this morning!

A few plans for the rest of the week: potty training Dylan, taking Grandma to a couple of doctor appointments this week, court for my cousin's trial on Thursday, more ebay listing, and Spring Cleaning.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...beautifully colored fish from our Aquarium visit last week.