Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Silly Love Songs

I had zero intention of jumping on here and writing a glee review tonight, but I have 3 words for you. Warbler's gap attack. Oh yea, it happened and holy hell it rocked. Darren Criss singing a cover of Robin Thicke's When I Get You Alone was exactly what I needed tonight. As much as I love Blaine, I couldn't keep my eyes off of Kurt. Poor Kurt pining away for Blaine, who is singing his heart out to someone who doesn't return his affections. Brilliantly written Ryan Murphy.

Now I have 5 more words for you. "I look like America looks." Lauren Zizes, played by the beautiful Ashley Fink, is a welcome addition to the show. I think I'm going to love the pairing of her with Puck, whose Fat Bottom Girls had me grinning from ear to ear. The throw down in the halls between Zizes and Santana was hilarious. Brava girls.

Finn and Quinn totally deserved to get mono. Finn you are no better than Rachel, allowing Quinn to cheat on Sam with you. And here's a little lesson for you, if she (Quinn) does it with you, she'll do it to you. Mark my words. Grow up and realize that Rachel is the real deal and Quinn is about as fake as they come.

Tina singing breaking down singing My Funny Valentine to Mike was genius. I don't think Tina gets enough screen time or respect, IMHO.

I'm dreading Valentine's Day because for the first time in 13 years I will be without a Valentine. I am desperately trying not to think about it. Thankfully tonight's episode wasn't all hearts and flowers. Thank you glee powers that be.