Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Diane made a comment last night that she should have stayed until Thursday (after my birthday). And then...her flight got cancelled this morning due to a snow storm in New York. hehehe She put that out in to the universe last night, and Mike said, "Hmmmm...let me see what I can do about that?" LOL

The yearbook teacher, Jessica Payne, at AVHS contacted me for pictures. They are dedicating a page to him in the yearbook. :(

I fell asleep at the kitchen table after eating lunch. I guess I was tired. :-/

I enjoyed watching Cameron play various sound clips from Star Wars on his MacBook and Sara cracking up. :)

Now I am enjoying Pomegranate Margaritas, Cookie Brownies, and a Nicholas Sparks movie marathon with Diane & Sara...pretty awesome start to my 36th birthday.

Is this a normal day? It wouldn't have been a month ago...but I guess it's my normal now.