Monday, May 5, 2008

Spring Reading Thing 2008: Halfway Point

When I checked in on Katrina over at Callapidder Days today, I was shocked to learn that we are at the halfway point of our Spring Reading Thing 2008. Utter horror set in. I have finished only one book! I'm reading a few, doing the day by day of The Purpose Driven Life and just started the week by week of The Busy Mom's Devotional, now realizing I won't be done for a whole year as it's a 52 week read. I must tell you how hard it has been to get into A New Earth, oh my gosh. I have started that book and reread chapter 1 at least 7 times. I was so darn frustrated I threw it at Hubby and asked him to read the first chapter. When he was done he was just as discombobulated as I was. I have tossed it on a shelf and if time permits I'll go back to it. I just don't understand what all the brouhaha was about it. I'm so disappointed because Oprah bubbled over about this book and I fall asleep whenever I pick it up. YUCK! The one book I have finished is Night by Elie Wiesel. This was another Oprah recommended, and she had Elie Wiesel on her show visiting Auschwitz for the first time since he was a teenager. This book is remarkable! It's a 120 page read of a young boy who survived Auschwitz, but lost his parents and younger sister. The terror he endured and nightmarish images etched in his memory should serve as a reminder to all of the evil still alive in this world. We cannot forget such atrocities, as history has a terrible way of repeating itself. I highly recommend this read.