Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Single Parent

Pastor Tom wasn't even finished with the first page and these are the notes I've taken!
Tonight's message at church was about The Single Parent. Before Pastor Tom took the stage, a pre-recordered video was shown of a woman and 3 of her 4 children (now grown). Her husband didn't die, he left his family for a new woman. One of her sons said, and I'm paraphrasing: I just want to put this out to the men. Whether they [boys] are your own or not, mentor them because young men can't raise themselves.

Cameron leans over to me and says: The men in my life didn't get this memo.


Pastor Tom brought up the need for Godly uncles (and then aunts) in children's lives. I look over at Cameron he rolled his eyes. ROLLED. HIS. EYES. His Dad was appalled, I'm sure, that he picked up that gem from me. After he rolled his eyes he said: Yep, we pretty much were screwed in that department too.

I don't condone his word usage, but he has a valid point.