Friday, August 6, 2010

First Week of Kindergarten (Project 365/2010)

Dylan's first week of Kindergarten is over. The week started out rocky, and he even missed Day 2 because of a fever. He isn't adjusting as well as he did with Preschool, but we're working on it. This morning I sat in the courtyard and told him to go to the playground by himself. He did, he lined up with his class when it was time, and he smiled at me as the class walked by. However, after he got his backpack and into class, he began looking for me outside the window. I have 2 more weeks to train him, where I can drop him off, and he can walk into school all by himself. Friday's are Spirit Days, where they have the choice to wear blue jeans and a Spirit shirt. I had ordered Dylan's last month and they are super cute. The logo is Knights in Training. He was the ONLY (A.M.) Kindergartner who wasn't in uniform today. When I picked him up he had a certificate showing what a great first week of Kindergarten he had, plus his first homework packet.