Thursday, June 10, 2010

Priceless (Project 365/2010)

Cameron's shipment came today! UPS delivered 2 boxes and I couldn't wait for Cameron to come home to look inside. We opted to use Medtronic, the leader in Insulin Pump therapy. I'm so very happy we did, as Cameron was afforded the luxury of getting the latest (released in April) MiniMed Paradigm Revel Pump 523 in BLUE. Couple that with the latest in Infusion sets, we chose the mio Infusion set, which is wonderful for pediatrics, and also in BLUE. PLUS, we were blessed to have been approved for the Guardian REAL-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring System. Most first time pumpers are not approved for this expensive add-on, which I think is a complete disservice to the pediatric diabetics out there. We are so blessed, as Hubby's insurance covered ALL pump supplies 100%! No out of pocket cost for us. God is GREAT! Every 3 months we will get a new 4 box shipment of supplies (3 months of supplies, but an additional month for extras). The pump itself is under a 4 year warranty, and by legal standards set up by Medtronic (and other pump companies) with the help of insurance, Cameron will automatically receive a new, and upgraded (if there is one) pump every 4 years. The beauty of this is if his older pump is still in good shape, we keep it as a backup. Nice, right?

Our first shipment consisted of the following:

Cost of Insulin Pump: $6,195
Cost of Infusion Sets: $135/a month (x 4)
Cost of CGM Transmitter: $999
Cost of CGM Sensors: $350/a month (x 4)
Cost of Reservoirs: $34.65/a month (x 4)
OneTouch UltraLink: $89.00
CareLink: $59.99
No Out of Pocket to Us: PRICELESS

Now we wait. UGH! We wait for a Pump Trainer to call us and set up (in-home) training on how to use all of this stuff.