Sunday, March 11, 2012

HDC - Apple Valley Campus

I am truly blessed. I have an AMAZING church home. I have been attending High Desert Church (HDC) since November 1995. I was saved there, and baptized there in March 1996. Mande's memorial was held there. My (Grand)Mother's memorial was also held there, and just 2 months later, we honored my Beloved husband there.

Two years ago, HDC launched their first satellite campus in Apple Valley. And just last year, they launched their second in Phelan.

With the gas prices up, ours was $4.31 on Friday, I knew I was going to need to adjust my traveling plans accordingly. I am at HDC 4 times a week. I attend Tuesday for TLBS and Thursday for SMILES. I then go back Thursday afternoon for Dylan's Sonshine Choir practice, and finally Sunday morning for church service. My 4 trips to Victorville, plus the bussing of Cameron and Dylan to and from school every day, leaves my already drained finances at a dangerous level every time I have to put gas in the Mama Mobile. My budget for gas has increased by $27 a week. Something has to give.

As much as I adore walking in to church every Sunday morning, I knew I was going to have to give it up, at least partly, until the end of the choir year. On weekends where Dylan doesn't lead choir, we will be attending in Apple Valley.

Today was our first time at HDC's Apple Valley Campus. Did I mention it's 3 minutes from my house? Apprehensive, as I despise change, we walked in, having no clue where to go. Fortunately, one of Peyton's favorite teachers, happened to be there (she was on stage this morning), threw her arms open for Peyton and showed us the ropes. We checked in, took Peyton to her class, took Dylan to his class, and the cherry on top of our morning is Evan, junior high pastor, who has been a mentor to Cameron since Mike died, is in charge of the junior high group at AV. Cameron was beaming!

My TLBS leader's daughter was working in Peyton's class, and a dear friend's son, who Evan also mentored after the death of his father, helps Evan and the junior high group. As we were leaving, Cameron's 5th grade teacher was standing in front of church, and upon seeing Cameron, began to dote over how big he's gotten, asking how Cameron was doing, and about his health in regards to his diabetes. I love how God always knows what we need. We left church, smiling from ear to ear, and the kids can't wait to go back.