Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Everything that I felt the episode Blame It on the Alcohol lacked, this episode had.

Gwyneth Paltrow is back at Holly Holiday. She clues Mr. Shue into the lack of sex education of the New Directions. Finn thought he got his girlfriend pregnant by via hot tub and Brittany thinks storks bring babies. My favorite performance was Paltrow's version of Joan Jett's Do You Wanna Touch Me brilliantly ended with Ms. Holliday's advice, "So just remember whenever you have sex with someone, you're having sex with everyone they've ever had sex with. And everybody's got a random."

Whereas Blaine exudes sex appeal, poor Kurt is just pure and adorable, which is what makes this couple compliment each other so well. As Blaine tries to talk to Kurt about sex, Kurt closes himself off to the topic, "I like romance. That's why I like Broadway musicals because the touch of the fingertips is as sexy as it gets." Blaine going to Burt on behalf of Kurt and his lack of sex education was above and beyond and his plea was exactly what Kurt needed. Extra point in Blaine's favor (like he needs any more). Another perfect father/son moment in the Hummel household came when Burt told Kurt "This is going to suck for both of us" as he sits Kurt down for the talk.

I hope I have an ounce of the knowledge, the right words Burt had for his son when I sit down to give my son's the talk. DAMN YOU MIKE FOR LEAVING ME TO DO THIS!