Monday, March 21, 2011

Where is Heaven?

Me: Sweet dreams Peyton.
Peyton: Where is Daddy's heaven?
Me: Way up, up, up in the sky.
Peyton: How did Daddy get there?
Me (with my hand on her chest): When Daddy died, his body stayed here. His spirit (my hand leaves her chest and motions) floated out of his body, in to the sky to be with Jesus.
Peyton: That hurt Daddy!
Me: No, baby. That part didn't hurt Daddy. (now I'm in tears)
Peyton: I miss him so much.
Me: Me too.
Peyton: I love my Daddy.
Me (bawling): Me too.
Peyton: You sad?
Me: Yes. You know Daddy misses us too? He loves us so much.
Peyton (laying down): I love my Daddy so much.
Me: I love you Peyton.
Peyton: I love you Mama.