Monday, September 2, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

Somebody asked me a question about why lunch for dinner? Here's the thing, I take advantage when the kid's eat hot lunch on the same day. For me, this frees up time that I can spend with the kid's rather than getting them home, shower, homework, dinner, etc. Secondly, it frees up my dinner budget. On the nights that the kid's eat lunch for dinner, I shred up some chicken and eat a chicken salad.

Sunday ~ Tacos

Monday ~ BBQ Hot Dogs, Chicken, & Spaghetti Salad

Tuesday ~ Lunch for dinner

Wednesday ~ BBQ Chicken, Baked Potato, & Corn on the Cob with Parmesan Cheese

Thursday ~ Subway after Choir Practice

Friday ~ Lunch for dinner

Saturday ~ Soup & Sammie's for Johnson Family Game Night