Friday, August 2, 2013

Best $600 Spent

I started a load of wash on Tuesday only to hear a terrible noise come from my washing machine. I was keeping an eye on it when to my surprise, black gunk began leaking from underneath. The transmission went out. I spoke to 2 appliance repairmen who both were shocked that I got 12 years and 9 months out of my washing machine. One even called it a "throw away" that usually dies within 3 years of purchase. I figure I'm blessed to have gotten my $600 worth out of the pair that Hubby and I purchased when we moved into our first apartment. What I didn't count on was the unexpected expense of a new washer and dryer. Let's face it, the dryer has had some problems the last couple of years, and I'm a firm believer you don't buy one without the other, because that's just taunting the universe.

I jumped online to research and found a great deal at Lowe's. The washer was marked down $150, while the dryer was marked down $105 and the reviews were awesome. Great, right? Wrong. Neither were available for (free) delivery until the 25th. I can not be without a washer and dryer that long, especially with school starting back up on Monday. I decided to check out Home Depot and guess what, they have them, only not on sale. I took a chance and called to ask if they price compare. Guess what? They do. Plus they offer free delivery, free haul away and were available 23 days before Lowe's. Done. I ran up to the store, practically vomited as I made the biggest purchase since my Beloved died, and then quickly thanked God for providing the means to do just that.

After the delivery guys left, I laid each of my hands on the washer and dryer and prayed, "Lord, let these get me through another 12 years. I'll take 10 minimum." Cameron laughed, clearly thinking I was insane.