Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Peyton has come a long way since her "Gwasses" days. I got the call yesterday that Peyton's new glasses were in, so we took the boys to school this morning and headed down to Rancho Cucamonga to pick them up. Dwight, the owner of Children's Eyewear Sight, is phenomenal with the kids. He showed Peyton how to properly put on and take off her new glasses. He went over the 3 places where she can't set her glasses down, and completely took his time going over everything with her.

Her glasses are Disney Princess glasses, Belle, and her glasses case is a Disney Princess purse. Perfect for Peyton, right?

I paid extra for the transitional lenses. The ophthalmologist had explained that Peyton, likely, wore her sunglasses the way she did because her eyes are sensitive. She wanted to see them turn into sunglasses, so Dwight grabbed his mirror and outside we went. As soon as Peyton stepped out of the office, she turned her face toward the sky and said, "Daddy, do you see how pretty I am with my new glasses?" Of course the tears streamed down my face and poor Dwight was dumbstruck. I explained about Mike and then he was trying to dry his eyes as well. Out of the mouths of babes, I tell ya.

Once we were done, we headed over to Victoria Gardens to walk around and test out her new glasses. I treated her to the lunch special at The Cheesecake Factory and then headed over to Ontario Mills to window shop and then back to Apple Valley to pick the boys up.

Peyton has done a wonderful job wearing them today and I'm so proud of her. The lenses are SO thick and they magnify her eyes, which totally sucks. I pray that these glasses correct her crazy right eye, and help her vision.