Thursday, February 10, 2011

One Month

A dear friend told me a little story about Jewish mourning. According to one Rabbi, he said the spouse was supposed to mourn for 30 days and the kids for one year. But also they say that you are supposed to sit shiva (starts the day of the funeral, which is usually held the day after the death) for 7 days, covering all the mirrors in your house.

For further investigation of shiva I went to wikipedia. I was intrigued, and always enjoy reading various religious cultures. What most impressed me was the avoidance of talking about other dead family members. That hit home to me because of the death of my Grandmother just 2 months prior.

My husband died 31 days ago. I'm not done mourning him. I don't believe in a time frame. My children will mourn the death of their father longer than I will mourn the death of my husband. I'm sure of that. I'm older, I've experienced loss, granted, not a loss of this magnitude, but I totally understand that I will wrap my head around my husband's death way before they will.