Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dylan (Project 365/2010)

My heart is heavy as I post this, not knowing what the night will unfold. Dylan has been sick now for a few days. His symptoms were random and feeling confused, I decided to check his ketones. The stick turned purple (large ketones) instantly. I FREAKED! I then poked his finger to check his blood sugar number (95). I am in constant fear that Dylan or Peyton would develop Type 1 Diabetes. I don't know much about ketones in non-diabetics, so Hubby has taken Dylan down to the same hospital Cameron goes to. They are currently sitting in the Pediatric ER.

Update: Dr. ordered blood work and IV for Dylan (which breaks my heart). He is dehydrated from fever and illness. Ketones can be present in starvation diets (eating disorders) and various other scenarios in NON-diabetics. Dr. says Dylan's illness is viral and will just need to run it's course. He & Hubby got home around 1:30 am and we'll see if Dylan attends his first day of Kindergarten in 7 hours.