Saturday, May 1, 2010

Two and a Half (Project 365/2010)

Of course this started out as a post about how I don't know where the last two and a half years went. My precious, perfect Peyton has grown up so much faster than her brother's ever did. Yada, Yada, Yada. Instead, however, she SHOCKED me to the very core at lunch time today. Like any other Saturday, I holler for the boys, LUNCH! Peyton climbs up to the table and says, "Me eat too?" I said of course. I make the boys their sandwiches and she starts to whine a little. When I asked her what was wrong, she said, "Me eat samwich?" Now, we have had this discussion MANY, MANY, MANY times. It goes a little something like this:

Peyton: Samich?

Mama: Are you going to eat the sandwich?

Peyton: Uh-huh

Mama: Are you sure?

Peyton: Yep

Whereupon Mama makes the sandwich, and Peyton does NOT eat the sandwich. Today, however, she was adamant, so I made her half of a PB&J. AND SHE ATE IT! The WHOLE thing. My girl is growing up. sniff sniff