Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I have decided to participate in Lent for the first time since becoming a Christian. I am looking forward to this time, deepening my relationship with Christ.

What is Lent?

Wikipedia has a page dedicated to it. had several responses to the question here.

I found this site to be very insightful.

As my Pastor pointed out this last weekend, we are at War. Satan is attacking from every direction. We must remain steadfast. I am putting my armor on, and for the next technically 46, but Sunday's are a day of celebration and Lent is not observed 40 days will fight the fight.

I will reflect upon my sinful nature, and strive to change my ways (including a few of the seven deadly sins). I will pray (and Satan will not step in my way and put his sleeping potion on me). I will pay the price of my sin by giving up my addictions during the ENTIRE 46 days of Lent, not allowing the celebration of Sunday to interfere with what I am trying to accomplish.

The addictions I am giving up:
1. facebook
2. ebay
3. fast food
4. (Detox) Coke/Caffeine*

Number 3 is THE most important addiction for myself, and my family, to conquer. Having said that, we are also making a change in our church schedule to do so. Since I began going to church, I have gone Saturday nights. Now, with a family of 5, getting naps, dinner and out of the house by 5:20 pm is EXTREMELY difficult! After Hubby and I discussed it, we decided attending church on Sunday mornings would allow us the control we need over fast food indiscretions. And wouldn't you know it, the first Sunday we implemented it (last Sunday), Satan was right there, whispering in my husband's ear, you know you want to go back to sleep. It wasn't until I was in the shower that Hubby rolled himself out of bed. I am also a realist. We have a couple of trips planned during Lent and on those days we may have to eat out. If we do, we will do our best to handle the situation properly and not just go straight to the burger and fries.

Finally, today I begin Faithfully Fit. It is NOT a diet or exercise program. Faithfully Fit is a day to day spiritual support system.

*I am making a conscious effort to rid my body of Coke. Having said that, I am NOT stupid. I am completely and utterly addicted to the soft drink, and having tried many times in the past to kick the habit, I was debilitated with severe migraines. Therefore, Coke is a process. Cutting down each week, with the finality of the last week before Easter having absolutely NO soda in my system. Amen!