Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Reading Thing 2009

My gosh, could it be true? Spring is here? My favorite host, Katrina, over at Callapidder Days is at it again. I feel, in some ways, that I have come full circle, as my first post on here last year was Spring Reading Thing 2008 and my Blogoversary is in 3 days. I have a doozy of a list this Spring.

I love Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles. I received The Tale of the Body Thief in December of 1992. I then proceeded to read Interview, Lestat, and Queen. I HATE reading out of order! Hubby, when we first started dating, bought me Memnoch the Devil and I never read it. I haven't touched those books in over 10 years and would love to read them from the beginning and in order. I plan on reading the entire Vampire library of Anne Rice. Oh yea baby! If I accomplish that, then I'll be reading Anne's Erotic Sleeping Beauty novels, written under the pen name of A.N. Roquelaure.

First, however, I must finish Wicked by Gregory Maguire. This shouldn't be hard, considering Interview with a Vampire didn't make it to my mailbox in time.

Wicked by Gregory Maguire

Interview with the Vampire
The Vampire Lestat
The Queen of the Damned
The Tale of the Body Thief
Memnoch the Devil
The Vampire Armand
Blood and Gold
Blackwood Farm
Blood Canticles
Vitorio the Vampire

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty
Beauty's Punishment
Beauty's Release