Monday, February 16, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...February 16th

Outside my I begin typing, Dylan says, "It's ranining out there. It's beautiful, right Mama?"

I am thinking...I wish I was still in bed!

I am thankful Hubby allowing me to sleep in every day in a 3 day weekend. Woo-Hoo!

From the a pita pizza and salad.

I am sweats and grey shirt with red, white and blue butterflies (the same thing I was wearing last Monday).

I am creating...nothing.

I am going...nowhere.

I am reading...Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt by Anne Rice. Will I ever finish this book?

I am hoping...Hubby finds extra merchandising work.

I am hearing...Peyton tap dance in her new shoes in the entry way.

Around the house...Daddy & Dylan are wrestling, Peyton is tap dancing, Cameron is in his room doing God knows what, and the rain is smacking up against the slider.

One of my favorite things...the rain. I absolutely love the rain. I especially love to drive in it.

A few plans for the rest of the week: purge, purge, and purge!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...all my glorious Valentine flowers from Hubby. Purple (my favorite color) Roses, Roses in the most beautiful pink vase, and a pink Sunflower (my favorites)...have you ever seen a pink Sunflower?


Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers! I love the pink sunflower. Is it a giant mum maybe? I don't have a clue. But it's pretty.

I also love that tap dancing in the background. How sweet.

I have a friend who has taken "purge" as her word of the year. Yikes! Sounds like work to me.

Have a great week. Thanks for sharing your day, and for coming over to my place.

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous flowers!! Thank you so much for coming by my blog today!

Mindy said...

Thanks for visiting Shore's End. I love the rain too, but not driving in it. : )

Karen @dixielandcrafts said...

Thank you for the sweet blog comments. Please come by anytime! I look forward to looking over your blog after the kids are in bed. Have a blessed evening!

KC @ Lil Momma's Haven

Tiffany said...

One of my favorite thing is rain too! I don't meet many people who feel the same way. I don't really like driving in it though.
I like the idea of reading the Bible in parts--s different topic every day. That's a great idea.

Paula said...

Hi, there! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for leaving such a sweet message and compliments on the blog and our house! It's so nice to meet you. The flowers you received for
Valentine's Day are GORGEOUS!! Two thumbs up to your hubby! Oh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rain, just as you do. I've written posts about how much I love it, love wading mud puddles, and how my husband doesn't like wading! Kind of funny, but I'm always trying to get him to go out and play in the rain with me!

Love you blog! Please come back for a visit soon! And have a wonderful week!!


Prim Rose Hill ©2008-2020 said...

Beautiful flowers! Awwww...I love what Dylan said! how sweet! :)
Hope you had a wonderful Valentine weekend!
Sheri~~Bee Blessed