Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Sleepy Girl

My precious girl crawled up on me and stared at me until she fell asleep. Oh, and yes, I have eyelash envy too!

Check out more Wordless Wednesday over at 5 Minutes for Mom.


littletoesandcheerios said...

Those are the best moments as a mom, aren't they?!

jayedee said...

beautiful child! but i'm sure you hear that alot! lol

Anonymous said...

HE is so sweeeeeeet!

Anonymous said...

SHE IS SO SWEEET. Darn s stuck and I look like an idiot- Sorry

Christy M. said...

So very sweet. Those moments are fleeting aren't they? The old they get they sit still.

And her eyelashes? OMG! Fantastic.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my WW!

The Happy Housewife said...

Oh, what gorgeous pictures!

Laura said...

Aww, those pictures are too sweet!

Felicia said...

How sweet is that!!

Shanna said...

Aw, that is so precious!

Alicia said...

Oh, she's beautiful! What peaceful pictures.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oh how precious! She is angelic! Like littletoesandcheerios said, those are the best moments as a mom! I sure miss those now that my Little Princess is 6 - but she does still love to cuddle, so at least I can still enjoy those moments before she gets too old for that sort of thing! ;)

Elle Bee said...

I'm trying to figure out how to keep them this little. There is nothing more healing and precious than a little one asleep on your lap...

Muthering Heights said...

Awwww, what a little sweetheart!

4 Lettre Words said...

She really is precious!

Thank you for visiting me today!!

MaryBeth said...

Okay now I have eyelash envy too! Wow!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and happy belated WW.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Aw, so sweet! Nothing better than pictures of sleeping kids!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Wow! I want one, too! (I don't think Santa passes out cute little girls for mom's of boys...) She is a doll...
Thanks for visiting my blog! You are welcome anytime!!!
Merry Christmas!

Susannah said...

What a beauty!!! :~D

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

So sweet! Thanks for stopping by!

TeachinAuntie said...

So precious Mama! I just saw your comment on my blog & thought I'd pop over! Thanks! I LOVE Twilight. That blinkie came from um...I'll have to go look that up. It's one of the blogs I'm following, grahamcracker something or other.