2008 was a bad year...a very bad year. I grew up believing you make New Year's resolutions, but who sticks to them anyway, right? Instead, I made a couple of "Hopes" for 2008 and I kept them. First, I wanted to get active and I started water aerobics in May. Second, I wanted to set up a household cleaning schedule and organize my home, which I started in March/April. Having accomplished these things, I decided I would make a few "Hopes" for 2009. But first I need to start by asking the Lord's forgiveness for going astray this year. I can't do this on my own. How ignorant of me to think He turned his back on me first and I shut Him out because of it.
1. Keep God first in my life.
2. Health for Family & Friends.
3. Read the Bible from beginning to end.
3. Lose 50+ pounds.
4. Date night with Hubby once a month.
5. Get my first tattoo, a ladybug on my foot for my niece Mandelyn.
6. Go on a B&B weekend getaway with my Hubby.
7. Transfer all tape format home movies to DVD.
8. Transfer all picture negatives to CD or DVD.
9. Learn Photoshop.
10. Read 100+ books.
Here is something I found on photobucket. Although I disagree with the title, I believe everyone should live by these 24/7! Strive for it in 2009!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by Tiffers at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hopes
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Reindeer Kids
The reindeer antlers are courtesy of Auntie Shelly. Of course I had to take pictures to send to her. Granted, taking the pictures with all 3 kiddos was a fiasco and I sent the last 2 pictures, separating the boys from the girl! P.S. Don't you just LOVE their jammies???
Check out more Wordless Wednesday over at 5 Minutes for Mom.
Posted by Tiffers at 9:42 PM 6 comments
Labels: Cameron, Dylan, Peyton, Wordless Wednesday
Sunday, December 28, 2008
2008 In Review
I'm stealing this from Lissa over at The Anderson Clan.
Was 2008 good for you? I must admit 2008 was a bad year...from beginning to end. I'm looking forward to 2009...it's going to be our year!
What was your favorite moment of the year? Water aerobics.
What was your worst moment of the year? I have to pick one? It's hard to choose. How about my cousin and his girlfriend being murdered on January 5th? Or, my uncle dying suddenly a month later? How about Cameron's diagnosis with Type I Diabetes and subsequential hospitalization? They were all worst moments in their own right.
Where were you when 2008 began? Asleep in bed like every other year.
Who were you with? My Hubby & Peyton.
Where will you be when 2008 ends? I think I'm going to stay up and ring in the new year properly, 2009 is going to be our year!
Did you keep your new years resolution of 2008? Yes, I got active and started organizing our house!
Do you have a new years resolution for 2009? I have a few and I MUST keep them, my health depends on it.
Did you fall in love in 2008? Yes.
If yes, with who? I fell in love with my Hubby all over again.
Are you still in love? Yes.
Did you breakup with anyone in 2008? No.
Did you make any new friends in 2008? I made some super awesome friends in water aerobics and I miss them terribly. I also made some excellent friends in my Stampin' Up club!
What was your favorite month of 2008? July and August.
Why this month? We spent a lot of time at Disneyland and the beach.
Did you travel outside of the US in 2008? No, I have never traveled outside of the US.
How many different places did you travel to in 2008? We went to the San Diego Zoo in April, Disneyland, DCA, the Beach...we never left the state.
Did you miss anybody in the past year? My niece, my cousin, and my uncle.
What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2008? I only saw one movie in the theatres in 2008...Twilight. However, I fell in love with P.S. I Love You when I finally saw it on DVD.
What was your favorite song from 2008? I Am God by Kirk Franklin.
How many concerts or plays did you see in 2008? None. I wanted to see a few concerts, but we never made it. I still would love to see Wicked.
What was your favorite book in 2008? I love, love, love the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. Of course I am bias!
How many people did you sleep with in 2008? Two...Hubby & Peyton.
Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year? Yes.
What was the biggest lie you told in 2008? I can't think of anything.
Did you treat somebody badly in 2008? Yes.
Did somebody treat you badly in 2008? Yes, as recently as November when my son was hospitalized and my wishes were blatantly disregarded.
What was your proudest moment of 2008? Cameron's award assembly where he received 3 of them (Honor Roll, Outstanding Reader, and Perfect Attendance).
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2008? Slipping and sliding on the ice in front of Target a week ago.
If you could go back to any moment of 2008 and change something, what would it be? Cameron's diagnosis with Type I Diabetes.
Where did you work in 2008? Home.
Favorite TV shows(s) of 2008? Dexter, Brothers & Sisters, & The Starter Wife
Favorite Band(s) of 2008? Too many to name. You are talking to the music junkie, remember?
Favorite Food in 2008? Classic Chicken Parmesan with Oven-Roasted Tomato Sauce and Smoked Mozzarella
Favorite Drink in 2008? Margarita, but Lissa has me wanting to try a Pomegranate Margarita ASAP!
Favorite Place in 2008? Pool doing water aerobics.
Favorite person(s) to be with in 2008? Hubby, Kiddos, BFF
Favorite person(s) to talk to in 2008? Hubby & BFF
Favorite trip in 2008? We didn't take a trip, but enjoyed Disneyland and our Annual Passes.
Favorite stores in 2008? Target.
Hardest thing you had to go through in 2008? Until November 19th it was my cousin's murder in January, but then Cameron was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes.
Most exciting moment(s) in 2008? Watching my children grow.
Funniest moment(s) in 2008? Oh my gosh...our kiddos' birthday parties, and anytime I'm with my BFF, we have too much fun together, it should be illegal.
Posted by Tiffers at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
It was so hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year. And if you played back my home video from the kids opening their presents, you would hear this Mama screaming at Dylan, "LOOK AT ME!" I can not get that through that kid's head...you HAVE to look at me when I am taking a picture of YOU! Wearing jammies all day is a tradition we have held for the last four years. It started because we wore jammies in our Christmas picture for Dylan's 1st Christmas. The kids get brand new jammies every year and this year they got the cutest one's from Target. The brand name is Nick & Nora and they had matching robes, something I really regret not getting. Daddy wore his new Grinch jammies and I wore the one's Auntie Pam gave me last year. We feasted on turkey and ate pumpkin pie for dessert (well, Cameron didn't). We will celebrate with my best friend and her kids tomorrow (my niece is disappointed because she didn't get Breaking Dawn for Christmas...that's because Auntie got it for her and she has to wait until tomorrow to receive it). Saturday we'll celebrate with my dad, step mom and brother. On Sunday...the Christmas decorations come down!
Posted by Tiffers at 10:36 PM 2 comments
Labels: Christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Snow Fun
Ordinarily I keep my Wordless Wednesday's...well, wordless. However, we NEVER get snow. It is few and far between. After all, we live in the desert. Imagine our surprise last Wednesday when the falling snow began to stick. Hours and hours the snow fell...beautiful, big, fluffy flakes and we sat on the couch watching the magic unfold before our very eyes. It was the first snow Dylan had ever seen. He was so very anxious to get out and play in it. We took Peyton out first to take pretty pictures of her and then released the hounds! Fun was had by all!
Check out more Wordless Wednesday over at 5 Minutes for Mom.
Posted by Tiffers at 10:45 AM 5 comments
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Cameron was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes on November 19th. I'll never forget the day. He come home and a couple days later I started itching. By Thanksgiving I had a rash on the back of my legs. That following Saturday it had spread to my upper arms and I went to urgent care. Grandma insisted it was hives, and let's face it, after the week I had I believed it. The doctor determined it hives and gave me a big shot of two steroids in the tush! I thought, "Payback for the shots I'm having to give Cameron." They had me sit there to make sure I didn't have a reaction and amazingly, by the time I left the itching sensation was gone. I stopped at a drive thru to grab some lunch and came home. While eating the itching came back. It was such an intense itching! I called the urgent care and they explained how the two different steroids worked. They recommended 50 mg of Benadryl and an oatmeal bath. Have you ever had an oatmeal bath? Very soothing.
Fast forward to Monday, it has spread again, this time around my pant line/waist. Back to urgent care where the doctor decided it was scabbies. Do you know what scabbies is? G-R-O-S-S! We are such a clean family, where on earth could I have picked up scabbies? She prescribed a cream that has to be rubbed over my ENTIRE body, neck to soles of the feet, paying careful attention in between my fingers and toes. Hubby proceeds to do this for me. I leave it on the 12 -14 hours and take a shower. The medication and doctor indicate the itching could continue for up to 2-4 more weeks. GREAT! I'm digging into myself, breaking blood vessels and bruising myself from the intense itching.
On Thursday Hubby takes the day off to clean and disinfect the entire house. I wake up and it's spread some more, it's on the front of my thighs and stomach. I called the doctor, because it wasn't after hours this time. They got me right in. I cried at the doctor, "Make it stop!" I told her what the urgent care doctor had said and she grabbed her handy dandy book of rashes and diseases. She showed me a picture of scabbies and that did NOT look like what I had. She pressed on my rash and explained the coloration and said it was viral, probably picked up from the hospital. She ordered blood work, gave me a 6 day regimen of Prednisone and an anti-itching medication (better than Benadryl).
Off to give blood I go. The tech tells me my doctor ordered quite a series and proceeded to take 7 tubes of blood. Good grief! She asks me about the arthritic panel and I'm clueless. So was the tech.
The Prednisone worked and within 3 days the itching had subsided and the rash was disappearing. About 7 days later I get a call from the doctor's office to schedule an appointment to go over my labs. This is the only way she does this, she refuses to discuss it over the phone, even when everything is normal, so I had no reason to think anything was wrong. They schedule me for December 23rd at 4 pm.
The doctor proceeds to go over my lab work. I didn't have an allergy to anything she had me tested for. My kidney function was great. My uric acid level is elevated, prescribing 2 pills a day for that. GREAT! I skim the page and see in bold letters, "POSITIVE." She tells me I'm borderline diabetic. This does not shock me at all. I'm surprised I've lasted this long without that news. She says I'm negative for Rheumatoid Arthritis. She points to the positive and say, "I had the arthritis panel done because of the rash. This number indicates you have Lupus." I beg your pardon? What is Lupus? The doctor gives me the abridged version and says she will recheck me in 3 months on all levels, and determine then whether to refer me to a Rheumatologist. Merry Christmas to me. I'm 33 years old. I have high blood pressure and take 2 pills a day for that. My uric acid levels are high and take 2 pills a day for that. I have Lupus.
Posted by Tiffers at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lupus
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
What's on Your Nightstand ~ December
The last time I participated in What's on Your Nightstand was in September. I keep forgetting and boy, oh boy, my October one would have been excellent. O'well. This month I have 1 lonely book sitting on my nightstand. It's been sitting there for a couple of weeks and I hope to get it finished by December 31st! Wish me luck!
Posted by Tiffers at 8:14 PM 4 comments
Labels: What's on Your Nightstand
Monday, December 22, 2008
Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY...December 22nd
Outside my window...the wind is blowing, the clouds are hiding the sun, and the mountains still have snow on them.
I am thinking...what a whirlwind week we have.
I am thankful for...God's little surprises. Our snow storm last week was beautiful!
From the kitchen...Pumpkin Pie for dessert tonight.
I am wearing...black sweats w/ purple Eeyore shirt.
I am creating...a poster size picture frame for the Grandma's.
I am going...to nap as often as possible this week.
I am reading...I doubt much reading is going to get done this week.
I am hoping...Peyton's last present arrives on time.
I am hearing...Christmas music from my blog.
Around the house...Dylan is hollering at Pretty and Cameron is commanding Dylan.
One of my favorite things...Peyton playing Peek-a-Boo.
A few plans for the rest of the week: I have to wrap ALL of the presents bursting out of our closet., visiting with friends from Idaho tonight, doctor's appointment tomorrow, Christmas Eve with Grandma, Christmas Day at home, Christmas with Dad on Friday, Christmas with BFF on Saturday, and squeeze in some Christmas light looking somewhere. Christmas is like a whole week long process in our family.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...Christmas pictures are nonexistent this year, our photographer was atrocious and I left in tears. I came home and made my first photo creation. This went out in our Christmas cards.
Posted by Tiffers at 8:39 AM 8 comments
Labels: Simple Woman's Daybook
Sunday, December 21, 2008
100+ Reading Challenge 2009
I just finished my Fall reading challenge and I'm already signing up for a WHOLE year challenge! ROFLOL I start reading on January 1, 2009, and of course this challenge will overlap with my Spring and Fall Challenges next year. I have absolutely no idea if this is possible, but I am going to try. On the plus side, the challenge can include rereads. J. Kaye is hosting a 100+ book challenge in 2009. I'm shocked that I came up with 50+ books right off the bat.
I'll work off of my list, adding to it as time goes on. As I start a book, I'll move it up to a number, add a link and call it done. I'm not good at writing reviews, so don't hold your breath on it. Instead I will try to come up with a grading system. My goal for this reading challenge is to reawaken my library card. Our library doesn't carry everything I want, so I may have to fork out some money, but ultimately I want to check as many of these out at the library as I can!!!
1. Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt by Anne Rice (Library)
2. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks (Library)
3. The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks (Library)
4. The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A.N. Roquelaure
5. Beauty's Punishment by A.N. Roquelaure
6. Beauty's Release by A.N. Roquelaure
7. The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
8. The Vampire Chronicles Collection by Anne Rice
I love Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles. I received The Tale of the Body Thief in December of 1992. I then proceeded to read Interview, Lestat, and Queen. My hubby, when we first started dating, bought me Memnoch and I never read it. I haven't touched those books in over 10 years and would love to read them from the beginning and in order. Therefore, I plan on reading the ENTIRE Vampire Chronicles. I want to devote myself to this in the Spring (using it as my list for Callapidder Days Spring Read Thing 2009).
Interview with the Vampire
The Vampire Lestat
The Queen of the Damned
The Tale of the Body Thief
Memnoch the Devil
The Vampire Armand
Blood and Gold
Blackwood Farm
Blood Canticles
Vitorio the Vampire
Anne is receiving great reviews on her Christ the Lord series:
Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana **Library
Why not read Anne Rice's biography too:
Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession
My love of Twilight is the reason for reading Claudia Gray's books:
Stargazer (release March 24, 2009)
I have never touched a Nicholas Sparks book...until now:
A Walk to Remember
A Bend in the Road
Christian books I would love to read:
Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas
Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas
Sacred Marriage by Gary L. Thomas (reread with Devotions)
Devotions for a Sacred Marriage by Gary L. Thomas
Fireproof by Eric Wilson, Alex Kendrick, and Stephen Kendrick
The Love Dare by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick
How to Have a New Kid by Friday by Kevin Leman
Making Children Mind without Losing Yours by Kevin Leman
Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald
The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
I have a fascination with biographies:
Home by Julie Andrews
Losing It by Valerie Bertinelli
I am in love with the Showtime Series Dexter...
Darkly Dreaming Dexter
Dearly Devoted Dexter
Dexter in the Dark
Dexter by Design (release September 1, 2009)
I loved the movies, but had to admit I have never read the books:
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
...and The Lord of the Rings
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
Because I read all 7 Harry Potter books:
Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling
Write Away: One Novelist's Approach to Fiction and the Writing Life by Elizabeth George
Are You Ready! by Bob Harper
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Mommywood by Tori Spelling (out in April)
Multiple Blessings by Jon & Kate Gosselin
The Wednesday Letters by Jason F. Wright
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou ~ Missed this one when 5 Minutes for Books hosted it
ADDED as I read them (will group with others later)...
Season of the Witch by by Natasha Mostert
Posted by Tiffers at 5:21 PM 2 comments
Labels: 100+ Reading Challenge 2009
Menu Plan Monday
We had a snow storm that came out of nowhere last week, which means we missed our Basic Life Skills class. Therefore, same 'ol, same 'ol.
I have included a Family Favorite on Saturday.
Sunday ~ Fish Sticks, Macaroni & Cheese, Broccoli & Cheese
Monday ~ We're having company and ordering in, so the menu is up in the air! I did make Pumpkin Pie for dessert.
Tuesday ~ TV dinners (necessary to finish up wrapping and other projects for Wednesday & Thursday)
Wednesday ~ Menu is unknown...
Thursday ~ Christmas! Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Corn, & Rolls
Friday ~ Creamy Turkey Soup and Sanwiches
Saturday ~ **FAMILY FAVORITE** Baked Penne with Roasted Vegetables (Family Favorite), Salad, Garlic Rolls
Breakfasts: Eggs, Sausage, Blueberry Waffles, Cereal w/ Fruit, Bagels w/ Cream Cheese, English Muffins
Lunches: PB&J, Pastrami & Swiss on Onion Rolls, Salad, Turkey Salad Sandwiches, Leftovers
Cameron's snacks: Celery w/ Peanut Butter, Carrots w/ Ranch, Peanut Butter Crackers, Hard Boiled Eggs, String Cheese, 1/2 Peanut Butter Sandwich w/ 1/2 Cup Milk (if sugars are too low)
Posted by Tiffers at 5:16 PM 2 comments
Labels: Menu Plan Monday
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Fall Into Reading 2008...It's a Wrap!
Christmas is 5 days away, Fall is but a faint memory, and with that so is the Fall Into Reading challenge. You can view my original post here.
Our host, Katrina has asked us to answer a few questions:
Did you finish reading all the books on your fall reading list? If not, why not? I did not finish all of my books (but I did read one of them TWICE). I got 7 out of 11 read. Last month my oldest was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes and hospitalized. Although I kept a book with me, we were in classes learning the procedures of drawing up insulin and administering the shots, as well as nutrition basics with diabetes. We've kind of been on overload.
Did you stick to your original goals or did you change your list as you went along? I had planned on adding a couple of books, as I was breezing right through them for a few weeks. However, I did not change my list. After reading the Twilight Saga, I did look up Stephenie Meyer's website and read the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun.
What was your favorite book that you read this fall? Least favorite? Why? You have to ask? Hands down my favorite was Twilight, and you can read my review here. The whole world Stephenie Meyer has created is hard to let go of. It's a love story and let's face it, who doesn't enjoy a good love story? Plus, vampires. It's a match made in Heaven for me. I was so addicted I hooked my 12 year old niece on them and she has blown right through them. I even bought her Breaking Dawn for Christmas! I also hooked one of my Stampin' Up buddies and she has continually wrote me emails cursing me. LOL She can't put them down and is now returning the favor to her daughter's. Mwahahaha! I did not have a least favorite. I enjoyed every one of the books I read, including sTORI Telling.
Did you discover a new author or genre this fall? Did you love them? Not love them? Aren't you tired of me talking about Twilight yet? LOL That was by far my new genre with Stephenie Meyer as my new author. YES, I LOVED them! I enjoyed the Twilight Saga so much that I think I'm going to look into Evernight by Claudia Gray.
Did you learn something new because of the Fall Into Reading challenge — something about reading, or yourself, or a topic you read about? My passion for reading has been reawakened. I take a book to the doctor's office with me, to get my pedicures, or whenever I'm going to be stuck someplace. It's so much better than thumbing through those dumb old magazines, right? Case in point, we were heading to Disneyland a couple of months ago, Hubby rolled his eyes because I brought along Eclipse. As luck would have it, we blew a tire and I had a book to keep myself occupied while he changed it.
What was your favorite thing about the Fall Into Reading challenge? I loved being able to read all the reviews and checking out what everybody else was reading. I have compiled a list of books I would like to get through in 2009.
Would you like to participate in another challenge here this spring? Of course! Count me in!
Posted by Tiffers at 3:35 PM 6 comments
Labels: Fall Into Reading 2008
Posted by Tiffers at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Disneyland
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Sleepy Girl
My precious girl crawled up on me and stared at me until she fell asleep. Oh, and yes, I have eyelash envy too!
Check out more Wordless Wednesday over at 5 Minutes for Mom.
Posted by Tiffers at 8:16 AM 20 comments
Labels: Peyton, Wordless Wednesday
Monday, December 15, 2008
BooMama Christmas Tour of Homes 2008
As usual I am late to the party. I was unaware of BooMama's Christmas Tour of Homes 2008 until I logged in this morning to read Callapidder Days blog. As I scrolled down my list of updates, 5 Minutes for Mom posted and then Blessed...you see the pattern? So I mosey on over to BooMama's place and see a delightful sight! I'm in awe of the beautifully decorated homes. I use to be that person. When Hubby & I first got together we had a full 100 Acre Friends Village. The decorating we do today pales in comparison. There is always next year. Enough talking, more pictures, right?
The stockings are hung ... minus my lighted garland that didn't light up for us this year.
My Stampin' Up demonstrator made this Santa garland for our swap!
My favorite holiday decoration is my Nativity Scene!
Hubby swears our tree has seen better days, but every year it looks just as great!
Despite my children's pleas, I still put my beautiful angel atop the tree. They would rather have a star.
For your feasting pleasure, I present (minus a picture)...
Sun Dried Tomato Dip
8oz. Light SPREADABLE Cream Cheese
2 TBL Light Mayonnaise
1 Tsp. Lemon Juice
1/4 Cup Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Finely Chopped (reconstitute if dried)
1/4 Cup Fresh Basil, Chopped OR about 2 TBL of dried
2 Cloves of Garlic, minced. OR about 1 tsp of garlic powder
Mix Cream Cheese, Mayo, and Lemon Juice together in a bowl.
Add chopped tomatoes, Basil, and Garlic.
Mix well.
Let sit for at least 1 hour before serving.
Serve with crackers, bagel chips, anything crunchy.
Posted by Tiffers at 2:53 PM 10 comments
Labels: Christmas
Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY...December 15th
Outside my window...the rain is falling and the clouds are hiding the sun. Is this what living in Forks feels like? ;)
I am thinking...how I love this cold and wet weather. I seriously live in the wrong area as we don't see enough of this weather.
I am thankful for...my space heater Hubby, who kept me nice and warm last night during the cold night.
From the kitchen...spaghetti made from the Taco leftovers.
I am wearing...black sweats w/ pink & black Tinkerbell shirt (the same thing as last week).
I am creating...Christmas Cards.
I am going...to our first Basic Life Skills Class (for Cameron's Type I Diabetes) tomorrow (weather permitting).
I am reading...Sheeet Music by Kevin Leman.
I am hoping...my kids don't act up while we take Christmas pictures tomorrow night!
I am hearing...the hum of the heater and raindrops falling on our patio.
Around the house...the tree is up, the stockings are hung, and it's beginning to feel like Christmas!
One of my favorite things...my nativity scene.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Basic Life Skills Class & Christmas pictures tomorrow, send out Christmas cards, more Christmas shopping, maybe I'll get my haircut, and cleaning house.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...I give you last year's Santa picture. Dylan's face is priceless!
Posted by Tiffers at 8:59 AM 2 comments
Labels: Simple Woman's Daybook
Menu Plan Monday
I am bound and determined to cook this week! I'm tired of grilled cheese & soup and TV dinners!
Sunday ~ Tacos
Monday ~ Spaghetti
Tuesday ~ Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Veggie, Crescent Rolls
Wednesday ~ Pizza
Thursday ~ Corn Dogs & Broccoli w/ Cheese
Friday ~ Crunchy Parmesan Chicken Tenders, Rice & Veggies
Saturday ~ Barilla PLUS Penne with Spring Vegetables, Garlic & Herb Chicken, Salad, Bread Sticks
Breakfasts: Eggs, Sausage, Blueberry Waffles, Cereal w/ Fruit, Bagels w/ Cream Cheese, English Muffins
Lunches: PB&J, Salad, Turkey & Provolone Wraps, Leftovers
Cameron's snacks: Celery w/ Peanut Butter, Carrots w/ Ranch, Hard Boiled Eggs, String Cheese, 1/2 Peanut Butter Sandwich w/ 1/2 Cup Milk (if sugars are too low)
Posted by Tiffers at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Menu Plan Monday
Friday, December 12, 2008
Mommy, M.D.
Dylan really is a riot! Every time Cameron takes his blood sugar or I give him an insulin shot, Dylan asks him, "Now you feel better Loody?" If I'm getting everything ready, Dylan will holler for him, "Loody it's time for your shot." He has even pulled out old medical bag, complete with play shot, that he got a couple Christmas' ago, and he plays Doctor with Cameron. He taps his knees, sometimes a little too hard, but the child leaves no body part unturned. LOL In light of my rash, and the unknown cause of it, I have begun using gloves when preparing and dispensing Cameron's shots. Dylan has now dubbed me, Doctor Mommy. You didn't know a Mommy could become a doctor overnight, did you?
Posted by Tiffers at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My Life's To Do List
I realize that this list will continually be a work in progress. Here is what I consider my life's to do list at the end of 2008 (in no particular order). Note: #8 still hasn't been accomplished in almost 34 years.
1. Raise my children in Jesus' likeness. Instill in them a relationship with Jesus Christ. Something I was deprived of growing up and something I try very hard and reevaluate how terrible I'm doing every day of my life. I am a work in progress.
2. Loose 100+ pounds.
3. Get married at Disneyland in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle. Hubby and I went to the justice of the peace, which was at our local library. I have always wanted a big wedding, and since I am a Disney fan(atic), hubby has agreed to renew our vows at Disneyland. We wanted to do it on our 10 year wedding anniversary, which is in 2 years. I don't think we'll have the dough for that, but maybe our 15??? This coincides #4.
4. Disney Cruise honeymoon (with kids). I know a honeymoon is suppose to be alone, but seriously a Disney Cruise...without kids, what kind of parents do you think we are? LOL
5. Swim with dolphins.
6. Go to Germany. My grandmother on my dad's side comes from Germany and it's always been a dream of mine to go visit.
7. Learn to play the piano.
8. Forgive my mother.
9. Romantic weekend away with my Hubby.
10. Lasik eye surgery. added January 9, 2009
Posted by Tiffers at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life's To Do
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: My Little Drummer Kids
Posted by Tiffers at 7:09 PM 10 comments
Labels: Cameron, Peyton, Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Living with Type I Diabetes
As my previous post revealed, I had some serious email decluttering to do. Alas, I'm only down to 69 pages, but all emails received in 2005 are gone. Woo-Hoo!
Upon logging in and going to the end, I came upon my oldest email from December 28, 2004 and a very bittersweet email. The sender is no longer with us. She was my only connection to diabetes when I was a kid, having Juvenile (Type I) Diabetes. The technology that we have today is astounding compared to what she must have endured. I remember her staying the nights and her mom, prepackaging her insulin shots, storing them in a Tupperware container, and we made room in the fridge for her. I knew how to give her shots in the back of the arm, she did it herself in the leg, and I knew what to do if her sugars went too low. We lost contact after high school, but found each other about 7 years ago. We maintained email correspondence, she married, and got pregnant (which Dr's told her NOT to do, even in high school -- think Steel Magnolias). She lost her fight almost 2 year ago, after her body rejected her pancreas and kidney transplant that she received Thanksgiving 2006, after years of dialysis (which she started almost instantly after having her beautiful little boy). He was born prematurely and had his own developmental issues. How I wish she were alive today. How I would love to ask her how old she was when her family found out she was sick. I don't even know her whole story, from beginning to end. Her husband emailed me when she was gone, and the last time I saw her was at the hospital (same one Cameron was admitted to), the weekend my dad's side of the family held vigil and we lost my niece.
I think of all the advancements we've made in the world. I don't prepare Cameron's shots until after he's taken his blood sugar (using our sliding scale) and adding up the carbs he's taking in at the meal (using the 1:20 ratio). I suppose we could prepare his bedtime shots, as they are the same 5 units every night. I look at Cameron's monitor and the high tech ones they have out now. I see stories like the Jonas brothers, and the one just diagnosed, using the insulin pump. They also have the FlexPen, which literally looks like a pen, holds up to 100 units of insulin, and you dial the number (1-10) of units you need, add a disposable needle, and inject. Cameron and I just watched dLife the other night and saw the OmniPump (which is a different insulin pump that sticks wherever you want). I can't imagine what my friend and her family endured in the beginning. I can't help but think how much easier Cameron and us have it.
Easier...seems surreal to say it, because nothing about this seems easy. In fact, it's frustrating, it's never ending, it's ... exhausting. Here's how our day goes (minus the times):
**If Cameron's blood sugar is below 70 we give him 4 ounces of apple juice and wait 15 minutes to recheck his blood sugar. If after the 15 minutes he's still low, we repeat the apple juice, if not, we have a small protein & carb snack (usually a 1/2 of a peanut butter sandwich and 1/2 cup milk). If, however, it's meal time, then we eat the meal instead of the snack.
Posted by Tiffers at 9:43 AM 1 comments
Tackle It Tuesday
My tackle is a cyber tackle, and seriously out of hand. I have decided to declutter my *gasp* email inbox! I have 75 pages of messages. The bulk of it starts in 2005. Worst yet, February 2005, when I went in for my repeat C-section and came home with Dylan, who will be 4, yes, F-O-U-R, in February. I have decided once a month I'll tackle my inbox, deleting, forwarding, or printing mail messages, but determined to weed out a whole year's worth once a month! This will get me all caught up ... only to have 2009 catch up with me this time next year. *sigh* Happy Tackling everyone!
Posted by Tiffers at 8:54 AM 5 comments
Labels: Tackle It Tuesday
Monday, December 8, 2008
Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY...December 8th
Outside my window...the wind is blowing and our porch swing has fallen over.
I am thinking...I'm not in the mood for Christmas this year. How is that even possible?
I am thankful for...the doctor finally prescribing something that seems to be working for my rash.
From the kitchen...Eat a Pita Pizza tonight! YUM!
I am wearing...black sweats w/ pink & black Tinkerbell shirt.
I am creating...a Christmas shopping list. How many days do I have to start and finish my Christmas shopping?
I am going...to make lunch as soon as I'm done with this blog.
I am reading...Sheeet Music by Kevin Leman.
I am hoping...2009 is a better year for us all!
I am hearing...Dylan giggling, Cameron roaring, and Peyton crying.
Around the house...we still have not put up our Christmas decorations, but the house is clean and disinfected!
One of my favorite things...drives me crazy Peyton following me around saying, "Mahm."
A few plans for the rest of the week: Christmas shopping and catch up on the bills.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Posted by Tiffers at 11:50 AM 3 comments
Labels: Simple Woman's Daybook
Menu Plan Monday
Another week...another screwed up week. Gone are the days of good old fashioned cooking. Between Hubby's 3rd job, Cameron's diabetes, and my exhaustion, I do not have the energy to maintain the cooking I had grown accustomed to. *sigh* Cameron's ratio has been adjusted to 1:20 and they took a unit of Lantus away at night. I still could use help finding websites and/or cookbooks for DELICIOUS Diabetic cooking!
Sunday ~ Grilled Cheese & Soup
Monday ~ Eat a Pita Pizza
Tuesday ~ Baked Penne w/ Roasted Vegetables, Salad, & Garlic Rolls
Wednesday ~ ???
Thursday ~ Crunch Parmesan Chicken Tenders, Baked Potatoes w/ Sour Cream & Chives, Broccoli, Cauliflower, & Carrots in Cheese Sauce
Friday ~ Corn Dogs & Fries
Saturday ~ Leftovers
Breakfasts: Blueberry Waffles, Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Bagels w/ Cream Cheese, Cereal w/ Fruit, English Muffins
Lunches: Turkey Salad Sandwiches, Turkey & Provolone Wraps, PB&J, Leftovers
Cameron's snacks: Celery w/ Peanut Butter, Carrots w/ Ranch, Hard Boiled Eggs, String Cheese, 1/2 Peanut Butter Sandwich w/ 1/2 Cup Milk (if sugars are too low)
Next Tuesday is our Basic Life Skills Class and I pray we get some much needed information on the little things, like snacks for Cameron.
Posted by Tiffers at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: Menu Plan Monday
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Pick Me
I couldn't have picked a more angelic daughter if I tried!
Check out more Wordless Wednesday over at 5 Minutes for Mom.
Posted by Tiffers at 10:54 AM 6 comments
Labels: Peyton, Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Number Game
Cameron is out of school again this week. Over the weekend his numbers started going low and plummeting in the middle of the night. His blood sugar also drops when exerting himself. Seriously, let's send my very active, diabetic, 4th grader to school and see if he makes it home. He was sent home from the hospital using the ratio of 1 unit of insulin to 15 units of carbs. This insulin ratio is used for his fast acting insulin, Novolog. It is taken with each meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and it helps his body digest his meals properly. At bedtime he is given 6 units of Lantus, his slow acting insulin. This insulin is his baseline working for 24 hours. Having just given you the back story, they adjusted his 1:15 ratio to 1:18 yesterday. After having his numbers continually drop today, I called again, and they've adjusted it now to 1:20 and his Lantus is now 5 units at night. They call this The Honeymoon Period. What does this mean? It means in 3-5 months his numbers could start going back up and we drop back down to the 1:15. I keep telling myself that God does not give you more than you can handle, but Lord, I don't know how much more of this I can take. I am on pins and needles daily. I look at my beautiful son and just want to burst into tears. Why him? My perfect healthy, intelligent, handsome 9 year old. I'm so angry I want to hit somebody and make them feel as badly as I feel.
Posted by Tiffers at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Tackle It Tuesday
Good Grief, Charlie Brown! Is it that time of year already? Christmas time is upon us and I have yet to put up our tree. We usually have it up Thanksgiving evening, or Friday afternoon. Granted, we've been a little preoccupied this year. Let's face it, I also have a walking
terror toddler to contend with too. Today I am tackling Christmas letters. I actually joked to Hubby a few days before Cameron ended up in the hospital that I was only going to send out letters this year, but knew in my heart I would wind up making cards. It just so happened my Stampin' Up demonstrator had a Stamp-a-Stack and I made 15 Christmas cards. Please do not be offended if you only get a letter, at least it will have a picture in it ... I hope. I'm still waiting for Cameron to get more color back in his face, and gain a couple more pounds. Why a letter? I just don't have the heart to send out store bought Christmas cards after having made mine the last few years. Or, does it really matter? Wouldn't every understand anyway?
Question: Do I add the bad, as well as the good, we experienced in 2008, in a Christmas letter? I've never written one before.
Posted by Tiffers at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tackle It Tuesday
Monday, December 1, 2008
Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY...December 1st
Outside my window...the leaves need picking up, the roses need pruned, and the lawn needs mowing.
I am thinking...I wish I knew how to stop myself from itching!
I am thankful for...our friends, we call them family.
From the kitchen...we're having chili again this week and more turkey.
I am wearing...purple sweat pants and an Eeyore T-shirt.
I am creating...an anniversary card for my Hubby.
I am going...to try and get into the doctor for this darn rash, otherwise, back to urgent care.
I am reading...The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch (I really do want to finish it this week).
I am hoping...my grandma's surgery goes smoothly tomorrow morning.
I am hearing...Go Diego Go and Star Wars (nice combination, huh?).
Around the house...no Christmas decorations are up, the first time we didn't decorate Thanksgiving weekend.
One of my favorite things...Cameron now checks his own blood sugar and records it in his book.
A few plans for the rest of the week: our anniversary (tomorrow), Cameron's school work, Grandma's surgery, and Stamp Club.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Posted by Tiffers at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Simple Woman's Daybook