Monday, September 4, 2006

Just 3 months...seems like a year

My niece has been gone only 3 months. She was taken off life support near midnight on June 4th, but she hadn't been with us the previous 2 days, so it was expected. I had a rough couple of days. I just want to see her. I want to hear her voice. I wish I could feel that knock-me-over hug she gave me the night before the accident. I wish...a million different things. I wish her mom comfort. I wish Cameron could understand that we can't replace her. I wish Dylan would remember how in love she was with him. I wish Mike could go back to that night and do things differently. I wish...does no good. That is why it is a wish. I pray. I pray for the comfort her mom needs. I pray Cameron realizes what a blessing 35 months was. I pray she always visits Dylan. I pray Mike comes to terms with the circumstances surrounding those 3 days. Three! I can ALMOST tell you every detail about those 3 days. For the longest time, I didn't recall what she looked like all hooked up in that bed. Unfortunately, I now can. I kissed her. I held her hand. I told her I loved her. Could she hear me? Did I tell her enough that I loved her while she was alive? We went to Mojave Narrows new water park today. Mandelyn waited for that to be open for so long. It opened after she was gone. We had her 3rd birthday party, without her, there. It only seemed appropriate to be there today. I just pray she was with us.