Thursday, September 30, 2010

Disneyland (Project365/2010)

We had to take an impromptu trip to Disneyland this month, due to wrong information given to me (for the 2nd year in a row) by the Annual Passholder's ticket agency. I sent in my renewal at the beginning of the month, but before doing so, I called to inform them that when I printed out the contract, not all the information was on there. TWO different ticket agents told me to write in what was missing and send it it. Wouldn't you know it, two days after our passes expired I got a call saying they could not honor the contract because of the filled in writing. OMG! Fortunately, the 4th person I spoke to was able to give me an extension to come down and straighten it out. We had until September 30th. This SERIOUSLY throws a kink into our payment schedule, as teacher's get paid once a month, at the beginning of the month. So I'll have to draw the money out, and put it back in at the end of the month. UGH! To top it off, Peyton turns 3 in November, and she'll need her own pass then too. Good grief.

After Cameron's orthopedic recheck, we loaded the family up in the van and headed down to Disneyland. The humidity down there was almost unbearable. We straightened out the annual passport situation, and went in to the park, because ... Halloween Time at Disneyland is my FAVORITE time at Disneyland. I'm such a Fall person, however, last night didn't feel very Autumny (Is that a word? It is now!) We jumped on the train (due to Cameron's ankle/foot) and headed to It's a Small World. Then we jumped on the train again and got off at New Orleans Square where we took in Haunted Mansion Holiday, and my favorite ride, Pirates of the Caribbean. After Pirates, Hubby took to the 2 little one's to the Jungle Cruise, while Cameron spent the rest of his birthday money in Pieces of Eight.

We were out of the park and on the tram by 7:30! We ate dinner at my favorite place to eat in Anaheim, Bubba Gumps, and back on the road, headed home, by 9:15. NICE! Once we hit the desert, the clouds opened up and it was raining. OMG! I <3 RAIN!

Cameron and I showing off our new Jack Skellington hats!

Peyton found this stuffed Jack Skellington and would not let it go. Of course Daddy bought it for her. She hugged this thing ALL over Disneyland. He is affectionately known as Jackie, courtesy of Pretty.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beauty and the Beast (Project 365/2010)

I have been waiting for this day since the announcement was made. Beauty and the Beast (and Sing Along) re-released for 2 special nights, before it comes to DVD in a Diamond Edition next week. I wanted it to be just Peyton and I, but it is Daddy's favorite Disney movie, so the whole family went. Peyton enjoyed it, with the exception of my singing. At one point Dylan hid his head under my arm and said, "I don't want to see her get eaten." He was referring to Belle and Beast. LMBO He had seen it before, I don't know what his trip was. In any case, Peyton saw Beauty and the Beast in the theatre, and I was honored to see it again, some 20 years after the first time I saw it.

Here's a trivia question for you: In which Disney movie does Beast make a cameo appearance? 1) Rescuers Down Under 2) Aladdin 3) Hunchback of Notre Dame 4) The Little Mermaid

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What's on Your Nightstand ~ September

What's On Your NightstandI've finally got some books back on my nightstand this month! I'm currently taking a Bible Study at my Church, so I'm doing a lot of Bible reading. Couple that with my Pastor's book, OIKOS. The Busy Mom's Devotional has taken on it's own life, and I'll be hammering it out soon, as I've given up the 10 minutes a week, and pushing through every other day, praying I finish it by the end of the year. I only have a few chapters left of Living Dead in Dallas, and can't believe ANOTHER season of True Blood has come and gone and I'm still in book 2. Grrrrrr! So mad at myself. Finally, my nook, which is in serious need of a case, is filled with books I'm looking forward to reading this Fall including, Evernight (Series) by Claudia Gray, which I started last week.

Cutest Kids on the Block (Project 365/2010)

It is painful, truly painful, how in love with my children I am. I can't imagine my life without any of them. We were early for Bible Study this morning, so we walked the Church Campus waiting for check-in. BTW, Dylan is on Fall Break, which is why he joined us this morning. I love how they posed for me here.

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...September 28th

Outside my window...the sun is beginning to rear it's ugly head ... what happened to Fall? I saw it one day and then Summer clotheslined her and is back full force.

I am thinking...about Dylan's 2 week "Fall Break" and how completely unfair it is that Hubby & Cameron no longer get it.

I am thankful children. I am truly amazed, daily, just how in love I am with the 3 beautiful children God blessed me with.

I am wearing...jean shorts and a sleeveless blouse.

I am remembering...all the chores that need to get done.

I am creating...birthday cards.

I am wake the boys up and get breakfast in them.

I am reading...The Bible.

I am hoping praying...Cameron's orthopedic appointment shows progress, not complications.

On my mind...Christmas!

Noticing that...I need some new Fall/Winter clothes after my Spring/Summer weight loss.

Pondering these words..."So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time," 2 Tim 1:8-9

From the kitchen...leftovers and TV dinners.

Around the house...piles of clothes to be donated and sold on eBay.

One of my favorite things...sleeping in and I don't get to do it often enough.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Bible Study, another round of x-rays for Cameron's foot, Orthopedic follow-up, Disneyland, homework, Stampin', nail appointment ... WOW! Got a busy week

From my picture journal...Dylan's second trip to the Pumpkin Patch ... LOVE his outfit.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Sunday ~ Tacos using these recipes

Monday ~ Eat a Pita Pizza & Salad

Tuesday ~ TV Dinners

Wednesday ~ Shrimp & Pasta Primavera w/ Salad & Garlic Bread

Thursday ~ Hot Dogs & Spaghetti Salad

Friday ~ Disneyland

Saturday ~ Crunchy Parmesan Chicken Tenders, Sweet Potato Fries, & The Lady's Coleslaw

Sunday ~ Marinated Grilled Flank Steak w/ BLT Smashed Potatoes and Corn on the Cob w/ Parmesan Cheese

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bell Game (Project 365/2010)

Tonight we decided to take in our first football game as a family. The Bell Game is a tradition where our high school, Apple Valley Sundevils, and the Victorville Jackrabbits play for ... you guessed it, a Bell. During my high school year, we were the ONLY class to maintain the Bell all 4 years. However, the class of 2008 can also claim that glory as well. I taught the kids a couple of our Bell Game Cheers and in the first 24 seconds of the game, Sundevils scored a touchdown. I was ECSTATIC! That was short lived, and we lost the Bell for a second year in a row, with the final score of 38-30. I'm off to sip some tea, as my throat is killing me from cheering and screaming.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Makeover (Project 365/2010)

During bath time tonight Peyton got an Ed Grimley makeover. For those who don't know who Ed Grimley is, he is a character made up by Martin Short, and I LOVE Martin Short.

Peyton's hair is so long, but so unmanageable. It's full of wisps and tangles. I have been toying with the idea of bobbing it, and giving her bangs for her birthday. Angelique keeps telling me NO! However, a mother of a friend of hers told her that her daughter's hair was the same way and AFTER she cut it, it came back beautiful.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Fall Ya'll (Project 365/2010)

I found these at Target and LOVE them. I bought flameless candles and warned the kiddos, "DO NOT TOUCH!"

Fall Into Reading 2010

My favorite time of year has arrived. FALL! Followed closely by Katrina's Fall Into Reading over at Callapidder Days.

Today is the PERFECT first day of Fall. Our high is suppose to be a glorious 78 degrees, and there is a glorious breeze blowing outside. Now I need to go buy Fall clothes for my 3 little rugrats. Before I run out and do that, here is my list (albeit temporary) of books I'm reading.

Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything by Geneen Roth

The Passage by Justin Cronin

Evernight by Claudia Gray

Stargazer by Claudia Gray

Hourglass by Claudia Gray

I realize this is a short list, but I plan to build on it as the season ebbs and flows. Plus, The Passage is ENORMOUS! hehehe

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

glee is back!

I really wanted to title this post, glee is back, bitches!, but considering my Christian followers, I thought I better not. Ha!

To kick off the season I thought I'd write up my thoughts and feelings about tonight's premiere. New Directions singing Empire State of Mind was A-MA-ZING! As per usual, it's all about Rachel. She totally did wrong by the new girl, Sunshine. Listen is my all-time favorite Dreamgirls song, and she killed it.

Coach Beiste is a welcome addition. The way she stood toe to toe with Sue, and Sue is clearly dumbfounded as she said twice, "That doesn't make any sense." I was not happy when Sue got Mr. Shue to go along with her manipulating ways. No good comes from aligning yourself with Coach Sylvester. I've got a feeling Beiste has been misunderstood her entire life, and huge softy at heart.

I'm devastated that Tina broke up with Artie for Mike. I really liked Tina and Artie together.

Finn listening to Sam sing in the shower was a little weird, even though that is how Mr. Shue found Finn. Sam is cute, but the Beiber haircut has got to go. Billionaire with the boys was cool. I think Sam would be a great country singer, IMHO.

The Queen Bitch, Quinn, is back is full form.

I'll try to keep my glee posts to a minimum this year. I'm sure Hubby will appreciate it. More posts on our little family, less posts on glee, right? ;)

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...September 21st

Outside my's still dark outside...5 am comes TOO quick for me!

I am thinking...about Fall. I LOVE Fall! I wish I lived someplace where I could experience the true Autumn colors, the crispness change in weather, the smell ... Alas, I live in the desert.

I am thankful for...the providings of my Hubby. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again ... He is a WODERFUL provider for his family.

I am wearing...pajamas.

I am I got away with another Summer and NO beach trip. Woo-Hoo!

I am creating...nothing...YET! I can't wait to start a couple of Christmas projects!

I am start Bible Study at my Church. I have been waiting YEARS for my schedule to open up this time slot, and FIN-A-LLY it has. SUPER excited.

I am reading...Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent by Beth Moore

I am hoping praying...Peyton's ouchies don't scar, especially the one on her arm.

On my mind...Potty Training Peyton.

Noticing that...I should try on my Fall/Winter clothes from last year, as I'm sure they aren't going to fit if I wore Summer clothes from 6 years ago this year.

Pondering these words..."The path of life leads upwards for the wise; they leave the grave behind." Proverbs 15:24

From the kitchen...breakfast cereal. No time for Oatmeal this morning.

Around the are still asleep in their beds, and my niece and nephews are crashed out in the living room.

One of my favorite things...GLEE! And it premiers TO-NIGHT! Squee!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Bible Study, decorating for Fall, Fall clothes shopping, searching up Pumpkin Patches to go in Southern California, decluttering, and reading.

From my picture journal...One of my FAV-O-RITE Fall pictures of Mandelyn.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rough Day (Project 365/2010)

The day started out OKAY. Peyton has been trying to come down with something, but she was ready to go to church. Her biggest dilemma was picking which purse to bring. When I picked her up from the nursery I was appalled. I know, right? Well, it kind of transferred over from last night. When I picked her up last night we went out to eat afterwards. Peyton needed a butt change and she had no diapers in her diaper bag. I know for a fact that there were 2 in there when I dropped her off. Poor thing had to sit in her diaper until we came home. When we got home she was wearing a foreign diaper, meaning NOT one of hers. She wears Luvs because she doesn't break out from it, and this diaper was NOT Luvs.

Enough of the back story, so I pick her up this morning and she walks out the door with something on the top of her wrist. I asked her teacher what happened and she said, "Where?" Are you kidding me? She was just coloring and pasting and there are 3 of you in this classroom, NONE of you noticed her wrist? "OH, well, she did take a tumble during outside play." I asked Peyton, "Where do you hurt?" She said her knees. Her knees were atrocious! NOBODY cleaned her up, wiped the dirt off ... NOTHING! She is a LITERAL mess with cuts and scrapes and these are pretty significant, not superficial, requiring peroxide and neosporin. I am super disappointed today.

Peyton kept babying her wrist/arm, and you know what I thought...OH GREAT, now she has nurse maids elbow on the other side. Fortunately, after an UC visit, her arm was not dislocated or broken. Whew!

Menu Plan Monday

Sunday ~ Lunch for Dinner, as we ate out at Olive Garden after Church this afternoon

Monday ~ Roast Chicken, Sour Cream & Chive Scallop Potatoes, & Corn on the Cob w/ Parmesan Cheese

Tuesday ~ TV Dinners

Wednesday ~ Spaghetti w/ Marinara Sauce, Salad, & Garlic Buns

Thursday ~ Tacos

Friday ~ Havarti & Tomato Grilled Cheese, The Lady's Chicken Noodle Soup

Saturday ~ Out

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Disappointed (Project 365/2010)

Cameron bought his own Shiny New Toy with part of his $110 take from his birthday. I was impressed when Cameron came to me and asked if I could search up DVD players for him. Hubby picked this bad boy up, with 4 out of 5 star rating, from Wal-Mart for the bargain price of $38.xx. Perfect. It gives Cameron ample money left and something he REALLY put thought into buying. What I should have been doing, however, is researching his hand-me-down, dinosaur of a TV. It doesn't have any of the plugs necessary to support a DVD player. Cameron is SUPER disappointed, as am I. We'll take the DVD player back, Cameron will have all of his money left, and I'm smelling Christmas presents.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Shiny New Toy (Project 365/2010)

We are back to being a 2 computer household! FINALLY! When we bought our first laptop our desktop was still up and running. For the last year, however, we're lucky to get the desktop booted up. QVC is my new favorite place to shop. I found this laptop online during HP's Anniversary at QVC and picked it up for 5 monthly payments. (We also bought this at QVC for 5 monthly payments and paid it off last month). It sure makes it a lot easier to pay it off than come up with the entire price all at once. Downside? It's not the MacBook Pro I've been dreaming about for 18 months. :(

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Farmer's Market (Project 365/2010)

After Love & Logic, Peyton and I headed over to the local Farmer's Market, where we got this bounty of fruits and veggies. We also added homemade garlic bread, and sugar free BBQ sauce, as well as a pumpkin with cream cheese frosting cupcake for the bargain price of $40. Woo-Hoo! I tried to split the cupcake with Peyton after lunch, but as per usual, she wasn't having it. It still amazes me how much she detests cake.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dinosaur ROAR (Project 365/2010)

Who says Dinosaurs are only for boys? I LOVED Dinosaurs when I was little, I'm pleased to see Peyton is enjoying them as well. She was so proud of herself for setting up her Dinosaur table. While I was puttering around in the kitchen, I kept hearing her say, "Dinosaur ROAR!"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...September 14th

Outside my skies and a beautiful breeze.

I am thinking...about how frustrating my first Master's class is ... everything I read, I just can't retain it.

I am thankful A-MA-ZING friends, who totally pitched in and helped me prep and cook everything Friday night, after my FriDAY was all screwed up.

I am wearing...pajamas.

I am remembering...the great time we all had Friday night at Cameron's birthday party.

I am creating...a welcome baby card and giftbag for a special bundle to be born any time now.

I am watch the season premiere of One Tree Hill in a few minutes.

I am (still) reading...Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquiry by James H. McMillian and Sally Schumacher. And I am (still) not retaining it. Be glad when Fall Into Reading 2010 begins next week.

I am hoping praying...for a speedy, and uncomplicated recovery of Cameron's ankle and foot.

On my mind...the incompetent Disneyland ticket relations people I talked to on the phone week before last. Our passes, sadly, have expired, due to the WRONG information I was given, TWICE. Last year we had a similar situation. Boo.

Noticing that...Glee's season premiere is but a week away. SOOOOO EXCITED!

Pondering these words...Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:1-4

From the kitchen...Dreyer's Double Fudge Brownie ice cream.

Around the are watching Scooby Doo and I'm laying in bed blogging, waiting for One Tree Hill.

One of my favorite things...Ozone Class at Church, despite my grumblings of going Saturday night AND Sunday mornings.

A few plans for the rest of the week: relaxing, much different from last week, plus Love & Logic and Farmer's Market on Thursday.

From my picture, my brother Scott, my brother Josh, and our Dad at Cameron's birthday. The last time we did this was Cameron's 6th birthday. :)

Straight Jacket? (Project 365/2010)

Peyton comes to me this evening with her jacket on backwards and asks me, "Help me button." I cracked up, and half thought about zipping her up in a straight jacket, but then the Angel on my shoulder said, "Don't do that." Instead, I grabbed my camera to take a picture of her first attempt at putting on her jacket by herself.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm going to ... (Project 365/2010)

hug him, and squeeze him, and love him, and tackle him. hehehe Peyton sure does love her some Dylan!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Sunday ~ Lunch for dinner as we ate out at Steer 'n Stein after church this afternoon

Monday ~ Pasta Shells, Salad, & Garlic Rolls

Tuesday ~ Fish Sticks, Mac 'n Cheese, Steamed Veggies for kiddos, Leftovers for Mama

Wednesday ~ TV Dinners while Daddy's at Back 2 School Night

Thursday ~ Baked Penne w/ Roasted Vegetables, Salad, & Garlic Rolls (we missed this one last week while hustling and bustling to finish things for Cameron's birthday)

Friday ~ Grilled Cheese (Havarti w/ Tomato) & worth every effort to make, The Lady's Chicken Noodle Soup

Saturday ~ Out after Church

Sweet Scoops (Project 365/2010)

I ask you, how stinkin' cute is this birthday card? Made special for my niece, Allie, who is turning 14 today.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Slave I (Project 365/2010)

Cameron LOVES his Star Wars legos. His favorite character is Boba Fett, so when I saw this at the Lego Store, I knew I had to get it. Cameron started working on it after the party last night, and finished it in no time flat. He was so proud, and it's pretty bad ass!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Daddy Sleep (Project 365/2010)

Peyton cracks me up ... just when I think she's just like her Mama, I got in to wake her up this morning and she's sleeping just like her Daddy, with her hand between her knees.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Photo by Dylan (Project 365/2010)

I think we may have an amatuer photographer on our hands. Dylan LOVES to take pictures, and this is one he shot of Peyton and I before school this morning.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...September 7th

Outside my window...some clouds...not sure if rain is in our forecast.

I am much needs to get done by Friday.

I am thankful for...all the encouragement my (facebook) friends are giving me regarding going back to school

I am wearing...jean shorts and a grey tank top.

I am messed up our Summer was.

I am creating...a new attitude.

I am shop at Target in a few.

I am reading...Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquiry by James H. McMillian and Sally Schumacher. I know, RIGHT? UGH!

I am hoping praying...for so many people right now, both sick and grieving.

On my mind...Cameron's birthday.

Noticing that...Dylan has a little cough to go with his green nose and sore throat.

Pondering these words..."The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

From the kitchen...Slow Cooker Hearty Beef Stew.

Around the house...summer colds have taken over.

One of my favorite things...Season Premiere's ... The Vampire Diaries this Thursday! :)

A few plans for the rest of the week: cleaning and an impromptu party for Cameron's 11th birthday Friday evening.

From my picture journal...a snail ourside of Cameron's endocrinologist appointment last month

Toy 1 ... (Project 365/2010)

Peyton 0. It is a miracle Peyton didn't lose her eye. She hit the corner of a toy and this cut is the end result. I pray it doesn't scar.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Sunday ~ Lunch for Dinner as we're heading to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch after church.

Monday ~ Butterball's Deep Fried Turkey Breast, Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy, Stuffing, Corn, & Crescent Rolls

Tuesday ~ Slow Cooker Hearty Beef Stew w/ Biscuits

Wednesday ~ Leftovers

Thursday ~ Baked Penne w/ Roasted Veggies, Salad, & Garlic Rolls

Friday ~ Taco Bar, Cake & Ice Cream w/ our nearest & dearest to celebrate Cameron turning 11! :)

Saturday ~ Out to Church

Cheesecake (Project 365/2010)

After church this morning we decided to cruise down to Rancho Cucamonga and visit The Cheesecake Factory. We have coupons for free cheesecake slices that are expiring soon, and who can pass up free cheesecake? Not Hubby! I was apprehensive because Cameron can't have something chalked full of sugar and carbs. However, The Cheesecake Factory did NOT disappoint. They have a low carb cheesecake, only 41 grams, compared to the 70+ of the others. I allowed Cameron to eat the entire thing.

Dylan ate strawberries and cream ... I LOVE this kid!

Peyton had vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.

Hubby had the Red Velvet Cheesecake ... DELISH!

And I ate the Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake ... OMG!

The Cheesecake Factory has THE BEST guacamole and chips I've ever had!