My very first blog on blogger was Spring Reading Thing 2008. I signed up with an ambitious list of books. I say ambitious because my baby girl was only 4 months old, and then I have the 3 year old, 8 year old, and hubby. I am completely amazed that I got more than one book done. I decided not to write reviews on my books, frankly I didn't know if anyone would take the time to read them, but also I was late in the game on a few of these books. I do, however, have a "Surprise" book that took me...well, by surprise. Without further ado...
- I thoroughly enjoyed Eat, Pray, Love. I love the way Elizabeth Gilbert writes and her travels were amusing. I will probably reread this again soon. Until then I've told my bestie that she MUST read this ASAP!
- Night by Elie Wisel was amazing! It was a quick read, but so profound. I cried more than once while sitting on my couch invisioning this young man's pain. I completely understand why Oprah took to him immediately.
- Sacred Marriage was riveting. I can't wait to begin reading Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas. I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked this book. I have to tell you, I'm doing something right! My beliefs, my vision of marriage was backed up by this book. The second I was done I handed it to hubby to read.
- The Purpose Driven Life will be a reread once a year. I think it's just a great foundation builder for anyone who has just accepted Christ, but also a refresher course for those of us struggling, questioning, or a crossroads. Sacred Marriage and Purpose Driven Life validated each other and it completely amused me that I would wind up reading the same thing within a day or two of each other.
- Finally, I've read the reviews, and either you LOVE it or HATE it. The Shack by William P. Young was not on my to read list. My husband bought this book, for whatever reason, and it was sitting on the counter. I started reading it, having gotten through a section and instantly thought, no way, not finishing this. It hit too close to home. I'm overjoyed that I picked that book back up the following day. Again, another quick read, but one of the best reads I have ever had in my entire life. I don't know how or why hubby chose this book, but I do believe God meant for my hands to pick it up.
Therefore, the book that was NOT on my list, is my favorite book I read this Spring. I am still working on The Busy Mom's Devotional, You: On a Diet and completely gave up on A New Earth. I can't wait to read how everyone else did and maybe get a little help in compiling my list of books to read in September when Katrina over at Callapidder Days offers us another challenge with Fall Into Reading.